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Horn Coral & Ichnofossil?


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Here is an interesting fossil horn coral with a mysterious ichnofossil association. This was recently received as a gift from a friend who collected it from a Devonian exposure in East Bethany, New York in the 1980's. At first I was content to try and figure out the genus with IFNA and then had to do a double-take when I saw the tell-tale traces of the ichnofossil. This is a topic that I always enjoy learning about here at TFF and now one has landed in my collection that is a complete stumper. I'd be very grateful for a confirmation of the genus/species as well since the experts now get a chance to evaluate this fossil.

Thanks for any assistance! :)




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Hi Piranha,

I don't know what the coral is but the encrusting organism looks like the possible bryozoan Hederella - so not actually an ichnofossil. Great piece!

Edited by TqB

Tarquin      image.png.b7b2dcb2ffdfe5c07423473150a7ac94.png  image.png.4828a96949a85749ee3c434f73975378.png  image.png.6354171cc9e762c1cfd2bf647445c36f.png  image.png.06d7471ec1c14daf7e161f6f50d5d717.png

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Looks like a Heliophyllum halli with a Hederella encrusting it. You need to show a pic of the cup to be sure on the coral ID but it is probably correct. I hear talk that a lot of different coral genera will eventually be consolidated into Heliophyllum.


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Thank you TqB and Crinus!

Attached is a photo of the cup. The ID of Heliophyllum halli appears to be spot on. Hedrella filiformis on the other hand is a tricky one- you guys are sharp! Looking it up in Index Fossils of North America it is figured X1 and would have been nearly impossible for me to detect- too small for my peepers even with a new pair of reading spectacles! Thanks to the forum (sounds like a thread title elsewhere) and all of the diverse interests here that I am able to incorporate such a broad range of fascinating topics within my base of knowledge. ;)



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