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Genuine Dino Egg?


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I'd say it is real, and if it was cheap it is most likely Hadrosaur am I right? They can be bought for a few hundred dollars which is not much when you think about it for a dinosaur egg.

I do know however that there are some dodgy preparation methods sometimes used on these eggs and although I don't know the specifics of it, I'd do my research first before deciding to buy one. Perhaps someone else on here will be able to tell you more.

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Judging from the pictures alone, this piece has the appearance of a Hadrosaur egg of Chinese origin. I can see nothing in the pictures to suggest it is not "real." It would be prudent to ask the seller, when and where it was acquired.

If you do purchase the piece, do not "wash" it to improve its appearance. If it is supported by the Chinese matrix, that material is extremely hydrophilic and will quickly become a viscous ooze if saturated.

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I have a similar egg. Which is probably also Hadrosaur. Though mine isn't as nice.

But yeah, it looks like a genuine Chinese Hadrosaur egg. However. the top of the egg looks a little iffy. I think that it may be a possibility that that center top bit was lifted off a different egg and glued on to make this one more complete. But I really cannot be sure with just looking at photos.

Edited by LordTrilobite

Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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