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Subhyracodon prep advice

Fossil Claw

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I picked up this 14 inch jaw section at a good price since it was cleaned some but not really prepped or restored. I wanted to try doing some prep on it but I have never prepped anything like this before.

My plan:

  • Clean off remaining matrix with a tooth brush, needlepoint scriber and/or airscribe
  • Use vinac as a consoldant in, then clean off the outside with acetone to remove unwanted vinac
  • Crack fill with paleo poxy and likely leave it brown rather than paint it so you can see where the cracks were filled

Does this sound like a good plan? Any thing I should do different?




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That's a great project and your stated approach seems prudent. If it was mine; I would remove the matrix using a carbide needle ground to a flat tip and mounted in a pin vise. I can't tell from the photos how severe the cracks in the teeth are, but caution there may be advised. I would leave the matrix in the large fissures, just smoothing it even with the surface. I would not fill any cracks, beyond the already present natural matrix fill. Evaluate for stability to judge need for consolidant. Have fun, I think it will be a enjoyable undertaking with a wonderful end result.

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Current status of the project. I probably have another couple hours of scribe and wire brush work. I will get back to it after the Super Bowl.

I am thinking I won't need to crack fill. I did have to wick super glue into the teeth so they didn't fall apart when air scribing.

I probably have 80% of the matrix off now and the teeth are much better expose. Still a good bit of matrix on the left side of the medial side of the mandible. I'd want to remove a bit more around the teeth.

Pretty happy with it so far for my first time working on a white river jaw.



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Good work! The few White River jaws I have are in such great shape they don't need any consolidant. :)

"That belongs in a museum!"

- Indiana Jones

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great prep!

Thanks. I am happy with it for my first white river prep!

Before and after .


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