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Hihimanu Hale

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Stone Souvenirs



Hello to The Fossil Forum!

Lately I am starting a souvenir collection of Aetobatis fossils. It's slow going, but I am just beginning:) I do all my collecting trading or purchasing fossils, since I live in Hawaii, and am disabled so can't easily get out in the fossil fields.

When I was young I used to see the baby Spotted Eagle Rays swimming in the bay or out in the canal at Waikiki. They are adorable! I don't know how long this link will be good, but here is a short video I found on the net. Someone is selling live baby rays for aquariums. So cute!


I want to recommend 2 of some of my favorite fossil dealers for shopping for shark and ray fossils.

Buried Treasure Fossils: http://www.buriedtreasurefossils.com

Vast selection of shark and ray teeth from all over the world, you can spend hours just browsing these catalogs! Very informative as well as very good shopping!

Fossiliferous: E.R. Matheau-Raven:


Very nice selection of all kinds of fossils, with a lot of unusual UK pieces.

I just ordered some Aetobatis teeth from both of these friendly and helpful dealers this morning. The teeth are fragments, but very good ones, fine examples of extinct Aetobatis. Some of the pieces are 1" long, I wonder how bit the rays were in life?

That's all for now, talk to you all soon:) Good luck fishing in stone my friends!


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