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  • Bregmaceros albyi (Sauvage, 1880)





    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Actinopteri Cope 1871
    Order: Gadiformes sensu Endo, 2002
    Family: Bregmacerotidae Gill, 1872
    Genus: Bregmaceros
    Species: Bregmaceros albyi
    Author Citation (SAUVAGE, 1880)

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Cenozoic
    Period: Neogene
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Pliocene
    International Age: Zanclean - Piacenzian


    "Formazione delle Argille Azzurre" Formation
    Marne, argille e tripoli di Corpolò (TCO) Member


    Acquired by: Purchase/Trade


    Fiume Marecchia
    Poggio Berni near Rimini


    Taxonomy from Přikryl et al. 2016.

    Genus Diagnosis from Přikryl et al. 2016 (emended after D’Ancona and Cavinato 1965; Houde 1984; Endo 2002; Nelson 2006): "Elongate fish with abdomen shorter than caudal part of body. Nuchal ray present, articulated at posterior part of skull roof. Dorsal and anal fins both subdivided into anterior, middle and posterior sections. Outer rays of pelvic fins elongate. Postcleithrum single, with posteriorly enlarged lamina. Only one palatoquadratal element (ectopterygoid) developed between palatine and quadrate. Vomer toothed. Caudal fin supported by fused hypural plate. Accessory bones X and Y present. Scales cycloid with free termination of circuli at posterior edge of scale. Sagittal otolith large relative to body size."

    Species Diagnosis from Přikryl et al. 2016, p. 17: "Bregmaceros species with 10–12 abdominal vertebrae and 36–38 caudal vertebrae. Orbit relatively larger than in B. filamentosus (i.e. orbit length about 1.5 times or greater than the preorbital length). Dorsal fin with 18–19 + 9 + 16–18 rays. Anal fin with 17–19 + 7–8 + 19–21 rays."

    Composite reconstruction of Bregmatoceros albyi in left lateral view from Přikryl et al. 2016, p. 29:



    Přikryl , T., Brzobohatý, R. & Gregorová, R. (2016): Diversity and distribution of fossil codlets (Teleostei, Gadiformes, Bregmacerotidae): review and commentary. Palaeobio Palaeoenv (2016) 96:13–39 DOI 10.1007/s12549-015-0222-z

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