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  • Platysella lallyi HEYLER & POPLIN, 1983




    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Actinopteri Cope 1871
    Order: Aeduelliformes
    Family: Aeduellidae Romer, 1945
    Genus: Platysella
    Species: Platysella lallyi
    Author Citation HEYLER & POPLIN, 1983

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Paleozoic
    Period: Permian
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Early


    Muse Formation
    Lally Member


    Acquired by: Purchase/Trade


    Saône-et-Loire, Bourgogne


    Taxonomy from Poplin & Dutheil 2005

    Diagnosis for the genus from Poplin & Dutheil 2005, p. 21 (translated from French by oilshale): "Aeduellidae with very high head and body, dorsal contour of body evenly rounded: Ratio of total length to maximum height = 2.25. Accordingly: Mouth and maxilla short, preoperculum and opercular apparatus vertical, cleithrum high and short, body laterally flattened, ventral lobe of caudal fin elongate and lateral flank scales higher than others. Orbit smaller than in other Aeduellidae. Dermosphaenoticus touching nasalia. Canal supraorbitalis penetrating dermopteroticus in form of pit line. Postero-inferior angle of maxilla not conspicuous. Suture between operculum and suboperculum straight. Probably only one branchiostegus ray. Mandible high along entire length. Dorsal fin inserted posteriorly. Base of anal fin terminating near caudal fin."

    Line drawing from Poplin & Dutheil 2005, p. 19 (scale 2 cm):


    Identified by oilshale.

    Poplin C. & Dutheil D. B. 2005. — Les Aeduellidae (Pisces, Actinopterygii) carbonifères etpermiens:systématique et étude phylogénétique préliminaire. Geodiversitas27 (1) :17-33.
    Heyler, D. & Poplin, C. (1983) Actinopterygiens du Stephanien de Montceau-les-Mines (Saone-et-Loire, France). Palaeovertebrata 1983, 13, pp. 33-50.

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