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  • Teffichthys sp.




    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Actinopteri Cope 1871
    Order: incertae sedis
    Family: incertae sedis
    Genus: Teffichthys
    Species: Teffichthys sp.

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Paleozoic
    Period: Triassic
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Early
    International Age: Induan


    Qingshan Group
    Lower Qinglong Formation


    Acquired by: Purchase/Trade


    Qingshan Quarry
    Jurong City
    Jiangsu Province


    Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org.

    I originally identified the fish as Plesioperleidus yangtzensis. The identification was corrected by Prof. Guang-Hui Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is possibly an undescribed species.
    'Dear Thomas,
    The specimen Ch2209 has a pterygial formula of D25/P16, A22, C33/T~40, a relatively short and deep body with striated scales. It does not belong to Plesioperleidus yangtzensis (which has 51 lateral line scales). Instead, it resembles Teffichthys wui, but differs from the later mainly in striated scales, a slightly more posteriorly located dorsal fin, a few more lateral line scales. I think it might represent Teffichthys sp.'


    D. Su (1981) A New Species of Perleidus from Anhui. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 19(2):107-112.
    MP Qian, SP Zhu, FM Zhao, XD Zhou, R Su & GH Gu (1997) Discovery of Early Triassic fish fossils and its significances in Jurong, Jiangsu Province. Jiangsu Geology 21, 65-71, 1997.
    Jin, F., Wang, N.Z., Cai, Z.Q. (2003) A revision of the perleidid fishes from the lower Yangtze region of South China-second report on the fish sequence study near the Permian-Triassic boundary in South China. Vertebr. PalAsiatica 41, 181–190 (In Chinese with English abstract).
    Li, Q.G. (2009) A new parasemionotid-like fish from the Lower Triassic of Jurong, Jiangsu Province, South China. Palaeontology 52, 369–384.
    Xincheng Qiu, Yaling Xu, Zhong-Qiang Chen, Michael J. Benton, Wen Wen, Yuangeng Huang, Siqi Wu (2019) The Early Triassic Jurong fish fauna, South China: Age, anatomy, taphonomy, and global correlation. Global and Planetary Change, Volume 180, 33-50.
    Xu G H, Yuan Z W, Ren Y et al., in press. Teffichthys wui sp. nov., a new perleidid fish from the Early Triassic of Jiangsu and Anhui, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.2096-9899.240528

    Zhangina yangtzensis Kopf.JPG

    Zhangina yangtzensis Kopf.JPG

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