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  • Thorectichthys rhadinus Murray & Wilson, 2013




    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Actinopteri Cope 1871
    Order: Ellimmichthyiformes GRANDE, 1982
    Family: Paraclupeidae CHANG & CHOU, 1977 (sensu ALVARADO-ORTEGA et al. 2008)
    Genus: Thorectichthys
    Species: Thorectichthys rhadinus
    Author Citation Murray & Wilson, 2013

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Mesozoic
    Period: Cretaceous
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Late
    International Age: Cenomanian / Turonian


    "Continental intercalaire" Group
    Akrabou Formation


    Acquired by: Purchase/Trade


    Length: 4 cm


    Gara es Sbâa
    Tiznit Province


    There are two Thorectichthys species in Gara es Sbâa: The deep-bodied T. marocensis and the more slender T. rhadinus.
    Etymology: Generic name from the Greek "thorectes", masculine, meaning a warrior armed with a breast plate, in reference to the abdominal scutes of the fish, and "ichthys" meaning fish.
    Species name from the Greek “rhadinos” meaning slender, tapering or lithe, in reference to the body depth of this species being much less than in T. marocensis.

    Taxonomy from Murray and Wilson 2013.

    Diagnosis from Murray and Wilson 2013, p. 276: "Differs from the type species Thorectichthys marocensis by having six predorsal bones (instead of five), having more total (24-26 compared to 22-25) and postpelvic (8-9 compared to 6-7) abdominal scutes and more pairs of ribs (17-18 compared to 14-15). In addition, there are 10-11 scutes in the predorsal series (8 in T. marocensis), and the body depth is 40-48 % of standard length (compared to 57-65 % in T. marocensis).

    Identified by oilshale using Murray and Wilson 2013.


    Murray, A. & Wilson M. (2013) Two new paraclupeid fishes (Clupeomorpha: Ellimmichthyiformes) from the Upper Cretaceous of Morocco. Mesozoic Fishes 5 – Global Diversity and Evolution, G. Arratia, H.-P. Schultze & M. V. H. Wilson (eds.): pp. 267-290, 8 figs., 2 tabs., 2 apps.

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