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  • Longfin Mako


    Fin Lover


    Longfin Mako

    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Chondrichthyes
    Order: Lamniformes
    Family: Lamnidae
    Genus: Isurus
    Species: Isurus retroflexus
    Author Citation Agassiz, 1843

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Cenozoic
    Period: Neogene
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Pliocene


    Goose Creek Limestone Formation


    Collector: Erin Osborne
    Date Collected: 04/12/2024
    Acquired by: Field Collection


    Length: 35 mm
    Width: 28 mm
    Height: 39 mm
    Thickness: 8 mm


    Berkeley County
    South Carolina
    United States


    The Goose Creek Limestone (formation) is early-mid Pliocene and contains un-reworked Miocene-Pliocene fossils.  The Isurus retroflexus that I have found in the Summerville area have a variety of cusplet sizes and shapes - from multiple small "nubs" like those found on this tooth, to larger crenulated cusplets. 


    ID references:

    1. Gale, B. (2020). A Beachcomber's Guide to Fossils.  The University of Georgia Press.

    2. Kocsis, L. (2007). Central paratethyan shark fauna (Ipolytarnóc, Hungary). GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA-BRATISLAVA-, 58(1), 27

    3. Maisch IV, H., Becker, M., & Chamberlain Jr, J. (2015). Chondrichthyans from a lag deposit between the Shark River Formation (Middle Eocene) and Kirkwood Formation (Early Miocene), Monmouth County, New Jersey.  Paludicola, 10, 149-183.


    Stratigraphy information references:

    1. Boessenecker, R. (2008, May 13). The Ashley Phosphate Beds: the Reconstruction Era, Vertebrate Paleontology, Fossil Preservation, and Stratigraphic Confusion in Charleston, South Carolina. The Coastal Paleontologist. https://coastalpaleo.blogspot.com/2018/05/the-ashley-phosphate-beds.html.

    2. Campbell, M. R., & Campbell, L. D. (1995). Preliminary biostratigraphy and molluscan fauna of the Goose Creek Limestone of eastern South Carolina. Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology27(1-4).

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