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Ailuropoda - Stegodon fauna from China

Ailuropoda - Stegodon fauna from China

Here is my collection of fossils from the mid-late Pleistocene Ailuropoda - Stegodon mammalian fauna from southern China, especially the Guizhou and Guangxi provinces. You'll notice that these mostly comprise singular teeth and no bones (many don't even have roots) because these are found in solutional caves with strong acid erosions that eat away the bones. Luckily, teeth are protected by a layer of enamel that can withstand erosion.


The obvious cool thing about most of these teeth is that they look just like extant animals. But no, I promise that these are fossils (god knows how many years I'd be shitting in the slammer if I owned extant panda teeth).


Members of this fauna include:

  1. Even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyls) let's get the boring species out of the way
    1. Pigs, cows, sheep, deer
  2. Odd-toed ungulates (Perissodactyls)
    1. Only a very small amount of horses
    2. Rhinos
    3. Tapirs, which included Tapirus augustus, the biggest tapir to ever live
  3. Primates which I don't know anything about
    1. Gigantopithecus from the early Pleistocene, the biggest primate to ever live
    2. We were also here
  4. Elephants such as Stegodon and Asian elephant. Probably Mastodon too but very rare
  5. Carnivorans (saving the best for last)
    1. Pandas! All three species of pandas were here
    2. Sun bear and Asian black bear
    3. Hyaenas
    4. Dholes (rarely seen)
    5. Tigers and leopards
    6. Megantereon (I've only seen one Megan tooth coming outta there)
  • Album created by Psittacosaurus
  • Updated
  • 3 images

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