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Member Collections

This is a category showcasing member collections


  1. Ordovician

    Ordovician fossils collected by the author in New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Quebec, and Ontario.
    • Album created by Jeffrey P
    • Updated
    • 69 images
    • 26 image comments
    • 69 images
    • 26 image comments
  2. Florissant Formation

    Florissant, Colorado
    Eocene Epoch
    Fossils found by me (and my mom)
    • Album created by Neanderthal Shaman
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 6 images
  3. Pliocene

    Fossils of the Pliocene
    • Album created by Mikrogeophagus
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  4. Cretaceous

    Cretaceous fossils from the Mid Atlantic states collected by the author unless otherwise noted.
    • Album created by Jeffrey P
    • Updated
    • 192 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 88 image comments
    • 192 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 88 image comments
  5. Eocene vertebrates of Ukraine

    Eocene vertebrates of Kyiv sand inwashes, Ukraine.
    • Album created by Anomotodon
    • Updated
    • 28 images
    • 9 image comments
    • 28 images
    • 9 image comments
  6. Lebanese Fossils

    A few fossils from my personal collection, I'll add many more later on!
    • Album created by KING-X
    • Updated
    • 54 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 11 image comments
    • 54 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 11 image comments
  7. West Virginia Plant Fossils

    • Album created by Fitch
    • Updated
    • 83 images
    • 4 album comments
    • 23 image comments
    • 83 images
    • 4 album comments
    • 23 image comments
  8. My trilobites

    • Album created by trilobites_are_awesome
    • Updated
    • 16 images
    • 7 album comments
    • 8 image comments
    • 16 images
    • 7 album comments
    • 8 image comments
  9. Tertiary

    Tertiary fossils from the Atlantic Coastal Plain collected by the author unless otherwise noted.
    • Album created by Jeffrey P
    • Updated
    • 77 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 22 image comments
    • 77 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 22 image comments
  10. Miscellaneous Fossils

    Fossils I've found in states other than West Virginia.
    • Album created by Fitch
    • Updated
    • 29 images
    • 4 image comments
    • 29 images
    • 4 image comments
  11. Fossils found at the baltic sea of Denmark and Germany

    Hello, here in this Album I'll post my fossil finds from the baltic sea.
    The fossils found here at the baltic sea were brought here by the glaciers during the last ice age from all around the baltic sea area, or originate from the costal areas and then have been washed up on shore.
    That means, that we can find fossils from the cambrian from 520 million years ago, right next to the fossils of ice age fauna from 15.000 b.c. !
    I hope you enjoy !
    • Album created by Brevicollis
    • Updated
    • 7 images
    • 7 images
  12. Non-Fossils

    These aren't fossils, but they are cool things I've found.
    • Album created by Fitch
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 7 image comments
    • 6 images
    • 7 image comments
  13. Muncie Creek Shale Phosphatic Nodules

    A collection of self found phosphatic nodules, dated geologically to the Pennsylvanian, found in Missouri
    Some have ID's others do not.
    ID's and corrections are always welcomed!
    Location is in  Missouri
    The area is dated to the   Pennsylvanian 
    Formation:   Iola limestone formation-) Muncie Creek Shale Member 
    • Album created by Samurai
    • Updated
    • 32 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 4 image comments
    • 32 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 4 image comments
  14. Woodbine Formation

    Fossils from the Woodbine Formation
    • Album created by Mikrogeophagus
    • Updated
    • 16 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 5 image comments
    • 16 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 5 image comments
  15. Wolfcampian Series

    Fossils of the Wolfcampian Series, Permian
    • Album created by Mikrogeophagus
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 images
  16. Missouri Ammonoids, Nautiloids and Gastropods

    A Collection of Ammonids, Nautiloids, and Gastropods collected from Missouri. Most of the specimens found in this album are currently attributed to the Iola Formation. 
    • Album created by Samurai
    • Updated
    • 13 images
    • 9 image comments
    • 13 images
    • 9 image comments
  17. Ordovician

    Fossils of the Ordovician.
    • Album created by Mikrogeophagus
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  18. Post Oak Creek Cretaceous Fossils

     These are my finds from a nice sample of sandy micro matrix from the Post Oak Creek in Sherman, TX.
    There are many fossils of sawfish to be found at the micro level. I very much enjoyed picking these as I find them as aesthetically pleasing as the denticles that I love to collect.
    I have included a few of the more interesting bones some of which are probably of Pleistocene origin.
    Any corrections are welcomed.
    • Album created by old bones
    • Updated
    • 36 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 4 image comments
    • 36 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 4 image comments
  19. Eagle Ford Group

    Fossils of the Eagle Ford Group
    • Album created by Mikrogeophagus
    • Updated
    • 38 images
    • 14 image comments
    • 38 images
    • 14 image comments
  20. Grayson/Del Rio Formation

    Fossils of the Grayson/Del Rio Formation
    • Album created by Mikrogeophagus
    • Updated
    • 10 images
    • 1 image comment
    • 10 images
    • 1 image comment
  21. South Carolina Pleistocene Fossils Finds

    Fossils, mainly Pleistocene, and artifacts that I’ve collected on SC beaches from an undetermined offshore unit.
    • Album created by old bones
    • Updated
    • 47 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 3 image comments
    • 47 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 3 image comments
  22. Post Oak Creek

    Fossils found in Post Oak Creek , and in nearby creeks in Sherman, TX. 
    The Cretaceous fossils are washed out of the Eagle Ford Group (~ 90 Ma) , and mammal material from the Pleistocene or younger.
    Vertebrate Faunal List (work in progress):
    Rarity (purely subjective):
    Abundant,  Common,  Uncommon,  Rare,  Ultra-Rare
    Cantioscyllium sp.   ('bamboo shark')*
    Cantioscyllium decipiens Chiloscyllium sp. ('bamboo shark')*
    Chiloscyllium greeni Cretodus sp.
    Cretorectolobus sp. ('carpet shark)*
    Cretalamna sp.
    Cretoxyrhina sp.   ('ginsu shark')
    Cretoxyrhina mantelli ?Galeorhinus sp.  ('tope shark')*
    cf.  Ginglymostoma sp. ('nurse shark')*
    Lonchidion sp.  ('Hybodont shark')*
    Meristodonoides sp.  ('Hybodont shark')*
    Pseudocorax sp.  ('False-crow shark')
    Ptychodus spp.   ('crusher shark')
    Ptychodus anonymus Ptychodus atcoensis Ptychodus mortoni  Ptychodus whipplei Scapanorhynchus spp.   ('goblin shark')
    Scapanorhynchus raphiodon Scapanorhynchus texanus Squalicorax spp.   ('crow shark')
    Squalicorax falcatus Squalicorax kaupi Fish:
    Amiidae indet.*
    Enchodus sp.   ('saber-toothed herring')*
    Ischyrhiza sp.   ('sawskate')*
    Pseudohypolophus sp.  ('guitarfish')*
    Pseudohypolophus mcnultyi Ptychotrygon spp.   ('sawskate')*
    Ptychotrygon slaughteri Ptychotrygon texana Ptychotrygon triangularis Pyncodontiformes
    Rhinobatos spp.   ('guitarfish')*
    Rhinobatos caseiri Rhinobatos incertus Reptile:
    ?Coniasaurus crassidens*
    * micro-vertebrate - should use/need magnification to find
    • Album created by ThePhysicist
    • Updated
    • 122 images
    • 4 album comments
    • 26 image comments
    • 122 images
    • 4 album comments
    • 26 image comments
  23. Skeleton models

    scale models of fossil and recent animal skeletons, made by me, including altered commercial models, 3d prints and pure diy.
    (until now only pics that have been posted before)
    • Album created by Mahnmut
    • Updated
    • 26 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 10 image comments
    • 26 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 10 image comments
  24. Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    A collection of my Mid Devonian fossils, many self collected from the Hamilton group and other nearby formations and others purchased or traded from around the world
    • Album created by Misha
    • Updated
    • 94 images
    • 40 image comments
    • 94 images
    • 40 image comments
  25. Borinage coal-mining district (Hainaut, Belgium)

    Album with fossils from the former Borinage coal-mining district in Hainaut (Henegouwen), Wallonia, Belgium. The specimens in this album come mostly from former spoil tips near Dour and Wasmes. The fossils are Late Carboniferous in age (Westphalian, mostly Bolsovian).
    • Album created by paleoflor
    • Updated
    • 34 images
    • 34 images

163 images

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