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Member Collections

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  1. Texas Cretaceous Fossils : Sharks and Rays

    Texas Cretaceous Shark and Ray Teeth and Vertebrae
    Various formations, primarily Eagle Ford, but also Glen Rose, Atco, Ozan, Georgetown and others
    • Album created by JamieLynn
    • Updated
    • 69 images
    • 1 album comment
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    • 69 images
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    • 1 image comment
  2. Lower Devonian

    Fossil invertebrates from Lower Devonian formations of Eastern New York State and Northern New Jersey.
    • Album created by Jeffrey P
    • Updated
    • 107 images
    • 39 image comments
    • 107 images
    • 39 image comments
  3. Texas Cretaceous Fossils : Gastropods

    Texas Cretaceous Fossils: Gastropods
    From a variety of formations including Glen Rose, Walnut, Buda, Georgetown, Edwards, and Del Rio. 
    • Album created by JamieLynn
    • Updated
    • 83 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 6 image comments
    • 83 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 6 image comments
  4. Texas Cretaceous Fossils : Various

    Texas Cretaceous Fossil Finds from a variety of formations that don't really fit under any category! 
    • Album created by JamieLynn
    • Updated
    • 10 images
    • 10 images
  5. Texas Cretaceous Fossils: Oysters

    Texas Cretaceous Fossils : Oysters
    From a variety of formations including Glen Rose, Walnut, Comanche Peak, Edwards, Del Rio and more.
    • Album created by JamieLynn
    • Updated
    • 42 images
    • 42 images
  6. Texas Cretaceous Fossils : Rudists

    Texas Cretaceous Fossils : Rudists
    Rudists from a variety of formations: Glen Rose and Edwards primarily
    • Album created by JamieLynn
    • Updated
    • 11 images
    • 11 images
  7. Zuid-Limburg coal-mining district (Limburg, The Netherlands)

    Album with fossils from the former coal-mining district in Zuid-Limburg, The Netherlands. The specimens in this album come from i) the spoil tip of the former Dutch State Mine "Hendrik" near Brunssum, ii) the spoil tip of the former privately-owned coalmine "Laura" near Eygelshoven, and iii) the former Dutch State Mine "Oranje-Nassau I" near Heerlen. These mines operated in Late Carboniferous age rocks (Westfalian, mostly Langsettian-Duckmantian; possibly some Bolsovian; possibly some older strata as well).
    • Album created by paleoflor
    • Updated
    • 44 images
    • 44 images
  8. Glen Rose Formation

    Fossils of the Glen Rose Formation
    • Album created by Mikrogeophagus
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 image comments
    • 2 images
    • 2 image comments
  9. Texas Eocene

    Fossils from the Texas Eocene
    • Album created by Jared C
    • Updated
    • 8 images
    • 8 images
  10. Texas Permian Fossil Finds

    Permian Fossils from Texas Red Beds
    • Album created by JamieLynn
    • Updated
    • 41 images
    • 3 image comments
    • 41 images
    • 3 image comments
  11. Chandler Bridge Formation Microfossils

    Microfossils from the Chandler Bridge Formation of South Carolina.
    • Album created by debivort
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 3 images
  12. Abbey Wood, London, UK; March 4 2024

    A catalog of (probably) identified finds from my solo trip to Abbey Wood. Please read my trip thread for further details of the excursion. 
    - early Ypresian
    - Blackheath Member
    Scale: 1cm grid paper, 1mm ruler.
    1. < http://www.trg.org/downloads/fossils of abbey wood.pdf >
    2. < https://savage-seas.weebly.com/identification.html >
    • Album created by citronkitten
    • Updated
    • 31 images
    • 3 image comments
    • 31 images
    • 3 image comments
  13. Texas Pennsylvanian: Gastropods and Corals

    Fossils found in the Pennsylvanian Period from various locations in Texas including Mineral Wells, Lake Jacksboro, Marathon, Palo Pinto county, Brownsville and other areas.
    Gastropods and Corals
    • Album created by JamieLynn
    • Updated
    • 32 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 2 image comments
    • 32 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 2 image comments
  14. Texas Pennsylvanian: Echinoderms (Crinoids and Echinoids)

    Texas Pennsylvanian Fossil Find ; Echinoderms (Crinoids and Echinoids)
    from Mineral Wells, Jacksboro, Bridgeport, Brownwood and other locations
    • Album created by JamieLynn
    • Updated
    • 59 images
    • 6 album comments
    • 59 images
    • 6 album comments
  15. Texas Cenomanian (Cretaceous)

    Fossils from the Cenomanian of Texas
    • Album created by Jared C
    • Updated
    • 13 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 14 image comments
    • 13 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 14 image comments
  16. Texas Coniacian (Cretaceous)

    Fossils from the Texas Coniacian
    • Album created by Jared C
    • Updated
    • 8 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 2 image comments
    • 8 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 2 image comments
  17. Peace River, Florida 26/12/23

    A collection of images from our trip! We went out with Fossil Recovery Exploration with Sean as our guide and had a brilliant time. Some confirmed identified and some TBD; will update as needed. 
    • Album created by citronkitten
    • Updated
    • 59 images
    • 59 images
  18. Miocene fossils from Qatar

    Dam formation finds
    • Album created by deltav2
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  19. Charmouth, UK 8/8/23

    We went for a guided fossil walk with Charmouth Heritage Center. From there, we headed west maybe half a kilometer towards Black Ven. Had a great time! Loads of belemnite fragments and a couple nice pyritised ammonites. There were some other smaller ammonites that I did my best to free from the matrix with a Dremel engraver tool with Zoic fossil tips. 
    NB: my daughter artistically organized the belemnites for the group shot. She wouldn't let me move them, so will take another photo with just belemnites later. They haven't been prepped because I got bored and my arm got sore after polishing one. 
    • Album created by citronkitten
    • Updated
    • 15 images
    • 2 image comments
    • 15 images
    • 2 image comments
  20. North Attleboro, MA Pennsylvanian Age fossils

    • Album created by veenasaur
    • Updated
    • 55 images
    • 55 images
  21. Jurassic Coast, UK, 20-21/10/23

    Our second trip to the Jurassic Coast. We went to Lyme Regis on the first day and Kimmeridge Bay on the second day. We also stopped at the Etches' Collection when we were at Kimmeridge Bay, and what a great museum dedicated to his collection! Stunning samples and a beautiful building. We particularly enjoyed using the projected microscope to look at small details on their sample fossils. 
    • Album created by citronkitten
    • Updated
    • 10 images
    • 1 image comment
    • 10 images
    • 1 image comment
  22. Lance's album

    Here are some of the fossils I have found around the Dallas-Fort Worth, Tx metroplex.
    • Album created by LanceH
    • Updated
    • 45 images
    • 36 image comments
    • 45 images
    • 36 image comments
  23. Chesapeake and Delaware canal, New Castle county, Delaware USA

    Fossils in this album are from the now lost C&D canal. This site was a dredge dump site near Delaware city. This site was very large and covered acres. However, the site was flooded in 2023 to prepare for a new batch of dredge that does not contains fossils.
    Most of the finds at this site date to the late Cretaceous, specifically the Mount Laurel formation. Common finds include bivalves, gastropods and cephalopods. This site had a wide variety of microfossils including solitary coral, bryozoan, crinoids, urchin spines, urchins, worms and brachiopods. Less common finds were vertebra, bone fragments, shark teeth, fish teeth and mosasaur teeth.
    Occasional  erratics (likely Devonian) can be found as well. These include brachiopods, corals, crinoids and even trilobites. 
    Fossilized woods (date and origin unknown) occasionally was found. 
    • Album created by SharkySarah
    • Updated
    • 63 images
    • 8 image comments
    • 63 images
    • 8 image comments
  24. Big Brook fossil preserve, Monmouth co. New Jersey

    All fossils were collected from the Big Brook fossil site in Monmouth county New Jersey. These fossils date to the late cretaceous, Monmouth group.
    This site has a decent amount of bivalves, cephalopods and gastropods. Shark and fish teeth are fairly common. Other finds include turtle, mosasaur, echinoderms and crustaceans. Occasional Pleistocene mammals have been found here as well. 
    • Album created by SharkySarah
    • Updated
    • 27 images
    • 27 images
  25. Miocene, Maryland and Virginia, USA

    All are fossils I’ve found from Maryland and Virginia. The fossils all came from Miocene sites from the Calvert, St. Mary’s and Eastover fm. Specifics will be given in the description when feasible. Private property or special access will not be named out of respect for the communities. 
    • Album created by SharkySarah
    • Updated
    • 80 images
    • 4 album comments
    • 4 image comments
    • 80 images
    • 4 album comments
    • 4 image comments

163 images

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