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Eldredgeops #1a


Eldredgeops rana


Middle Devonian Silica Shale
Paulding, Ohio.


© D.G. Bowden

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Harry Pristis


Good pic of a nice bug. I guess this isn't Phacops any more. :o

On the other hand, it's not "Eldredgia" either. From a couple of hits on a search, it appears that the genus name is Eldredgeops. Here's the listing from one site:

Name: Eldredgeops milleri

Age: Middle Devonian

Formation: Silica Shale

Location: Sylvania, Ohio

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Another beauty of a fossil Dan... nice sharp photo.


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Good pic of a nice bug. I guess this isn't Phacops any more. :o

On the other hand, it's not "Eldredgia" either. From a couple of hits on a search, it appears that the genus name is Eldredgeops. Here's the listing from one site:

Name: Eldredgeops milleri

Age: Middle Devonian

Formation: Silica Shale

Location: Sylvania, Ohio

Harry you are absolutely correct on the ID! I must have been sleeping when I tpyed in the name!! As you can see I have made the correction. Thanks again Harry!

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Harry Pristis


Good pic of a nice bug. I guess this isn't Phacops any more. :o

On the other hand, it's not "Eldredgia" either. From a couple of hits on a search, it appears that the genus name is Eldredgeops. Here's the listing from one site:

Name: Eldredgeops milleri

Age: Middle Devonian

Formation: Silica Shale

Location: Sylvania, Ohio

Harry you are absolutely correct on the ID! I must have been sleeping when I tpyed in the name!! As you can see I have made the correction. Thanks again Harry!

Well, if it's any consolation, I think your genus name, "Eldredgia", is more euphonius than "Eldredgeops" ("EL.drej.ops" - give me a break!). More label changes. <grumble>

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