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any idea what this is?


unidentified ???

Upper Pliocene

Willershausen am Harz


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It looks like a big mosquito to me, if I see that flying round I would have squashed it flat too !! :D;)

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Looks like a couple of oak (Quercus) leaves to me, with a stem fragment just above the arthropod. As for the insect (or even a spider, perhaps, missing some legs...), it's a great specimen...unfortunately, I am unable to identify it.


An alder leaf (Alnus jarbidgiana)from the Upper Eocene Dead Horse Tuff, Nevada.

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No, I don't believe this being a leaf and an insect together. I saw an almost identical fossil from there - very unlikely that this combination will pop up twice.

But how about this:


Something like a duckweed?

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I think that's it. Sort of Salvinia, a water fern!


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Hi sieht ja Klasse aus uerst dachte ich an eine Spinne und.......verworfen, das Blatt/ die Blätter erinnern mich an Erle  - Alnus glutinosa rezent, die fadenartigen vom Ast weglaufenden Fossilteile könnte ich mir als Flechten/ Bartflechten vorstellen? Ist nur eine Idee....Viele Grüße Christian oder Reste von männlichen Pollen/ Blütenständen





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