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Dinosaur footprint fossil-Grallator - Mt. Tom, MA (200 myo)


Seeing as it was sunny and about 30 degrees today and as we are expecting 2 feet of snow tonight and tomorrow, I decided to get myself out the the Mt. Tom site today and try to get a track out, last chance for the year type of thing, well I did get one out to add to the shelf. The rest, will have to wait till the spring thaw.

Dinosaur footprint fossil-Grallator ( "stilt walker")(200 myo)

Made by a dinosaur very much like a Coelophysis. This track was made by a small to medium- sized bipedal carnivorous theropod dinosaur. It was made by a one of the smaller bipedal dinosaurs. The stride of their walkways show that they were probably the fastest dinosaurs in the Connecticut River Valley of Massachusetts. They may have attained speeds of up to 20 miles per hour. The dinosaur that left this track probably reached a length of 3-7 feet.

The track is almost 8 inches from middle toe claw to heal. The grid in 1/2 inch.

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