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Small Connularid sp.


These were abundant at a site on the south coast.

A permian mudstone exposure, yielded many of these, a few brachiopods and some bryazoan

From the album:

Australian permio-triassic fossils

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That's an interesting preservation for a conularid. I've never seen one with that wavy type shape. The ones I've collected have always had flat surfaces with sharp angles to the other sides. The jury is still out on what phylum conularids are in. The leaning is towards coelenterata but no agreement. They aren't found with any consistency.

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Hey Geofossil, I have been doing some research on these little fossils, they are not a type of connularid, you are correct... im still not 100% sure what these are do you have any idea?..i would change the title but i do not know how? the reason they are titled small connularid is because when i first found them i thought they were....

I have only found one connularid in the permian rocks around sydney, and this is how you say; flat surfaced with sharp angles.

Thanks for your responce

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It almost looks like a large piece of a brachiopod or pelecypod that has been creased when it fossilized?

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