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© © 2010 Tim Jones

Poorly preserved Semionotid fish head


Early Jurassic, from the Shuttle Meadow Formation in CT.


© © 2010 Tim Jones

From the album:

Fossildude's Early Jurassic Fish Fossils

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Looks like you had a good trip! Any ideas on ID on fish fossil?


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Guest Smilodon


I think Forum members would get more out of these photos if you told us what it is and where you found it.

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Sorry Smilodon! blink.gif

Still trying to get the hang of this. ohmy.gif When I mass uploaded, didn't get the same fields to fill in as when I did my previous ones. I was also beat last night, and didn't want to futz around with it after getting them uploaded.

Can't figure out how to edit the captions on the photos themselves. I'll have to read up on that. I'll get there. blush.gif

This is a fish head from the Shuttle Meadow formation in CT. Generally believed to be Early Jurassic in age. Preservation is poor, but both this and the tail are from some type of Semionotid fish. Not sure of the exact species. (There are a number of different ones they could be. Not that professional yet rolleyes.gif ).

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My pleasure!

Pleecan - It was nice just to be out in the Sunshine, but yeah, it was a successful trip. Got a number of fern pieces - not too many fish this trip. The unfortunate thing is that the ferns being black carbonized fossils don't show up that well against the black shale. Need to experiment with lighting to photograph properly.

Thanks guys for the comments!

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