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The Hardest Part Is Getting There


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When I first heard about a chance to collect on the Ernst Property in Ca. I couldn't have been more excited. I called John (Fossilsforkids here on the forum) to see what I would need and what to expect. He told me to bring a "Big Hammer" and a "Big Chisel". I could tell this wasn't going to be an easy hunt but what I didn't know was that the hardest part of the trip would be geting there! I bought my air fare and sent my fee to dig and eagerly awaited the day to head to California.

Well the day arrived and we left at noon to go to the airport. The traffic was a lilttle heavier than I expected but we arrived in plenty of time. I quickly checked my bag and hurried to the gate only to find the flight was going to be delayed. I asked if we were going to arrive in Denver in time to catch my connecting flight into Bakersfield and was told "sure, no problem". A short time later the plane pulled up to the gate and the passengers got off followed by the flight attendants. All seemed well until one of the airline employees started running after the flight attendants who were now walking away at a fast pace. It turned out that although the plane was there we lacked any flight attendants for the flight. An announcement was made that the flight would be delayed even longer, as we couldn't fly until some flight attendants arrived and that this could take 3 hours! They calmly assured us that we would be booked on other flights so we would get to our destinations. The attendants arrived and were greeted by a big round of applause from all the waiting passengers. I was finally in the air and on the way. As we neared the Denver airport thay announced the gate numbers for the connecting flights. From the gate we would be arriving at to the one my flight was departing from was 50 gates. As soon as they opened the door I headed through the airport. Now for those who don't know me, I am not built for speed and must have been quite a sight running through the airport trying to make my flight..lol Well to my suprise the plane was still there and I noticed that it had been delayed! There was twenty minutes before scheduled takeoff. I was quite relieved as I walked up and gave my boarding pass to the attendant. My heart sank as she said"I'm sorry but we gave you seat away when you weren't here to check in, but it's ok you have been booked on a flight that leaves first thing in the morning" Alot of thoughs ran through my head at that moment all of which I'm sure would have ended with me being escorted out of the airport in handcuffs. So I took the hotel and meal voucher and walked through the airport as I called home to let my wife know what had happened and that I was going to miss the first days hunt. Well, this trip was my birthday present from her and she was not going to have any of this. She called back a few minutes later and said I was confirmed on a flight to LA and that I could get a rental car from there and drive to Bakersfield and be able to hunt in the morning. As I was sitting there waiting for my new flight to leave I suddenly wondered..where will my luggage end up? So I went back to the podium to find put where it would be and was told that they "thought" it would go to Bakersfield in the morning but I should hang around at the LA airport just in case it went there. So Ifinally got on the flight and arrived at LA without any more troubles. My luggage didn't arrive so I rented a car and drove to Bakersfield. At this point I had been awake for over 22 hours, was driving a rented car, in the dark, on roads I had never driven....after a few close calls I saw Bakersfield in the Distance and called John for my final directions to the motel room. When I pulled up he was in the doorway waiting for my arrival. After 3 hours sleep we were awake and headed of to the museum to begin to hunt.....I had surrived! After a trip like that the many blisters I got on my hands the next few days were nothing. The hunting was hard. Digging, chiseling, and more dogging was the name of the game. Oh yes there were other dangers to watch out for.. I heard of a few rattlesnakes, as for me a scorpion that I almost put my hand on. But even with all those troubles the trip was more than worth it. I was able to meet many forum members that I could now put a face with the name. I brought back teeth from several new species to add to my collection and memories for a lifetime! I owe lots of thanks to John (FFK)for all his help with this hunt! Oh yeah have I ever mentioned I love matrix pieces?

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My trench from the first 2 days

post-281-074248100 1288555165_thumb.jpgScorpion - yes he's a little one

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and there are more.....

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Edited by obsessed1
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Did I mention I love matrix pieces?

post-281-053403000 1288555689_thumb.jpg The tooth in this one is removable!

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3 Species in this one!

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And last but not least my biggest tooth of the weekend..2 7/8" Mako

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Wow, just fantastic teeth! The colors are sure hard to beat on those..

What a trip... Your wife sure picked out a good one..

I am glad to read that you even made it there.... :)

Welcome to the forum!

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I'm smilin' ear-to-ear for you, Kevin! All the stress of getting there are now just part of the memories. You dug Shark Tooth Hill! :meg dance:

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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The trip will be a keeper and shared with others the rest of your life. Nice shark teeth but really like the sting ray barb in the matrix. Very interesting story.--Tom

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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Hey Kevin, I have been wondering how your trip went! Congrats, you did really well and it was definitely a memorable trip. Even if the travel was a little rough. But sometimes rough travel is far outweighed by the destination. Good job. Im going to be jealous for a really long time until maybe I get a chance to go out there!

DO, or do not. There is no try.

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Well done Kevin! Those matrix pieces are awesome. In retrospect I should have left more of my finds in matrix, it really adds character to the finds.

Great to meet you as well.

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The long skinny mammal tooth is from Aulophyseter morricei, the sperm whale from the STH bonebed. Bobby

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Wow ! What a report ! If I had been on your place, I would have been worried to death with the delay of planes...

Your finds are very nice, and I love little Squatina ! We do not often see this species in the reports of the United States hunt.



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Ma bibliothèque PDF 2 (Animaux vivants - sans poissons ni sélaciens) : ici
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Un Greg...

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Guest N.AL.hunter

Great story and wonderful teeth. Looks like it was worth it. I hate airlines. Sorry, I didn't mean to say the word hate. I loathe airlines.

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Nicely done! Great story and nice teeth! You did a great job on your matrix pieces....I like them too....they make a nice built in stand for the fossils

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Yeah, that's the worst when you can't make a connecting flight. I've missed a day's work and a night's sleep because of that so I can sympathize.

You did great. That 2 7/8" mako is a miracle find for your first trip. I've found a 2 5/8" tooth as my largest STH makos on two separate trips over years. Yeah, it's nice to have matrix pieces. Sometimes, it would be too difficult to remove them cleanly and easily anyway as you've probably noticed. I used to spray mine with Bull's Eye clear shellac but now recognize that a better consolidant should be used (although I haven't noticed any negative affereffects yet). Otherwise your pieces will shed a little silt wherever they go.

Did I mention I love matrix pieces?

And last but not least my biggest tooth of the weekend..2 7/8" Mako

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That double mako in matrix is a real addition to any collection. Also, that 2 7/8 mako is an incredible find.

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Thanks for all the congrats and kind words! A trip like this will fill my head with memories for years to come. I recomend it to any who can make it.

The long skinny mammal tooth is from Aulophyseter morricei, the sperm whale from the STH bonebed. Bobby

Thanks for the ID Bobby. I always like to have good positive ID's on my finds.

Yeah, that's the worst when you can't make a connecting flight. I've missed a day's work and a night's sleep because of that so I can sympathize.

You did great. That 2 7/8" mako is a miracle find for your first trip. I've found a 2 5/8" tooth as my largest STH makos on two separate trips over years. Yeah, it's nice to have matrix pieces. Sometimes, it would be too difficult to remove them cleanly and easily anyway as you've probably noticed. I used to spray mine with Bull's Eye clear shellac but now recognize that a better consolidant should be used (although I haven't noticed any negative affereffects yet). Otherwise your pieces will shed a little silt wherever they go.

I have to admit finding the big Mako was a result of my being old experienced. My legs and hands were cramping bad so I went for a walk. I seem to always be looking down and saw just 1/2" of a tooth sticking out of a block of matrix. I really thought it was a much smaller tooth or I wouldn't have wacked it so hard with the hammer. Luckily that one hit exposed almost the whole tooth with out breaking it. I then took a much more conservitive approach when chipping it down to a managable chunk.

The differences in the matrix is one reason it took me so long to post. I spent many hours slowly preping out some of those pieces in softer matrix with dental picks and a very sparing use of an engraver on the harder stuff. Also all the matrix pieces have a coat of Butvar thinned with acetone. I found out very quickly how easily some of the matrix would crumble.

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Absolutely fantastic collection of teeth! The matrix pieces are spectacular. John really is a very good host, isn't he?

If you believe everything you read, perhaps it's time for you to stop reading...

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Absolutely fantastic collection of teeth! The matrix pieces are spectacular. John really is a very good host, isn't he?

Yes, John is a great host and really fun to collect with.

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:thumbsu: :thumbsu: :thumbsu: What an ADVENTURE, remarkable finds, and exciting write up!!! :thumbsu: :thumbsu: :thumbsu: Edited by Megalodon1
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Great finds all around! Very nice colors as well. Congratulations!

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

Upton Sinclair

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