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The Hardest Part Is Getting There Part 2


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Those of you who read my last post from a STH trip remember I had trouble getting there thanks to the airlines with some delayed flights and a missed connection. Well it was time to go a again and this time it was the snow that worried me. The day before I was to leave we recieved 12" of snow. Now this isn't much of an inconvienience to most people but I live 1/2 mile up the side of the mountain on a gravel driveway. I was trapped until the guy with the big loader came to dig me out! Finally with onlt a few hours to spare I could hear the rumble of the big machine clearing the drive. I went out to thank him and he said that I should be able to get out tomorow. It was too slippery..even his big machine with chains had slipped into the ditch three times on the way up the hill. As he left I made a final check of my equipment and decided to give it a try. I just had to catch that flight!!


After a few second ride down the mountain with most of it being in a four wheel slide I was at the bottom. The worst was behind me now. The rest of the trip was a breeze and I was never so glad to see green grass as I was when I arrived at the motel later that night.


After a mostly sleepless night everyone met at the Museum to go over the rules and start the trip. I met a few other members there who had been at the October dig. It was good to see Nettuno and Megalodon1 again. It was a foggy morning but the cool air made for nice digging.


I went to a spot I had thought about digging ever since the last trip. After removing the overburden the finds started comming right away. And for two days they just kept on comming.


Anyone who can make one of these trips should give it a try. I highly recomend it!

Edited by obsessed1
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The right one is the distal half of an avian tarsometatarsus; cool beans!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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and a section of the bonebed to give an idea of what it looks like and how tightly packed together the bones are.



and what did I find on the backside of the chunk I dug out to show the bones...............................................

post-281-0-89759400-1296785698_thumb.jpg A STH Meg just over 5"!!!!!!!!

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The right one is the distal half of an avian tarsometatarsus; cool beans!

Somehow I knew you would know what that one was :P

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...and what did I find on the backside of the chunk I dug out to show the bones...............................................

post-281-0-89759400-1296785698_thumb.jpg A STH Meg just over 5"!!!!!!!!

Great Googly Moogley!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

Gonna' be the one to beat in FOTM :meg dance:

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Looks like you did awesome! Congratulations!

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

Upton Sinclair

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Dude... you got a bird bone!! I'm happy. And I see auspex beat me to IDing oit for you. I'm sad. Way cool. And what are those three things in your last photo?

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After braving that snowy hill you deserve everything you found! Those are fantastic finds and I loved looking at all of them and the in situ picts were great. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. :eat popcorn:

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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Dude... you got a bird bone!! I'm happy. And I see auspex beat me to IDing oit for you. I'm sad. Way cool. And what are those three things in your last photo?

Those are fish jaws.

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Guest N.AL.hunter

Great pictures and great fossils. Love the teeth, but especially the matrix pieces. Do you baggage check the fossils or hand carry them aboard the planes?

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Thank you everyone for the kind words.

Great pictures and great fossils. Love the teeth, but especially the matrix pieces. Do you baggage check the fossils or hand carry them aboard the planes?

I put all the matrix pieces in the carry on baggage. The TSA folks were really interested in the big dark blobs in those two bags. Enough that they felt compelled to announce bag check in line 8! After letting them know what was in the bags they proceeded to carfully check all the items inside and seemed surprised that I had found shark teeth near Bakersfield. But I re-wrapped them back up and all arrived at home just fine.

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Guest N.AL.hunter

They can't be too careful... I remember the dreaded Landshark attacks in the 70's. There might be a newly evolved Airshark to worry about now.

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Great googly moogly part 2! Awesome finds. You are just slaying it this past year. Congrats Kevin on all your finds. Great stuff.

Edited by hokiehunter
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