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Hello, I found these along a dried up river in Az. I believe them to be nodules...could anybody confirm this for me? I saw a recent topic addressing the same issue but his nodule looks almost nothing like mine. I have a variety varying in size, shape, and weight. Is so what should I do with them...are they worth splitting? They look cool as is for display pieces and I would hate to ruin that...help! The last picture only has my three biggest ones. The largest is about the size of a fist. Other two about the size of a ping pong ball.



Edited by JeffD
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They look like quartz geodes. It is not sure, but maybe that there would be crystals inside.



Pareidolia : here

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Un Greg...

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These are "quartz geodes"...at least that is what I've always called them,

and are commonly found in stream beds here in Missouri.

It's been a long time since I broke one open but calling on memory...

they have low quality brittle quarts inside.

Noticed another post on our forum of similar shaped quartz geodes

found in Missouri: My link

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Thanks for your help everybody. I will split one of the smaller ones open and post pictures of it. I am very timid about the larger one because I would not want to ruin it haha. But maybe one day soon I will muster up the will!! lol thanks again

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if the small one does turn out to be a geode you might be able to cut the larger one with a tile saw, good luck ;)

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