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Is It Illegal To Buy Fossils In China


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Im wondering what the rules are for buying fossils in China. My best friend is a pilot and is getting up graded to the 777 and he said one of their destinations is Beijing so of course my first thought was "Hey you can get me some Chinese Fossils", but I dont know if its legal or not and I dont want him to get me any if its not.

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China has an immense scientific wealth of genuine fossil deposits. Despite SEVERE Chinese cultural property laws (up to and including the death penalty) that forbid the export or trade in fossils, one can see numerous Chinese fossils for sale in shops, shows, on fossil dealer websites and in online auctions such as EBay (consistently THE highest incidents of fraudulent auctions). With the threat of such strict laws, one has to wonder "How can there be so many Chinese fossils making out of the country?" Simple logic is all that is needed.... THEY ARE FAKES! The Chinese have found it easier (and safer) to just MAKE these fossils. There is no worry or risk to a Chinese dealer when they ship a fake out of the country! from :http://www.paleodire...esefossils1.htm

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Im wondering what the rules are for buying fossils in China. My best friend is a pilot and is getting up graded to the 777 and he said one of their destinations is Beijing so of course my first thought was "Hey you can get me some Chinese Fossils", but I dont know if its legal or not and I dont want him to get me any if its not.

All vertebrate fossils are banned from leaving the borders. Invertebrates like plants, trilobites etc are fine. Fossils like Keichosaurs, dinosaur eggs, fish, mammals etc are all illegal to leave the country.

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Don't get legal advise from forums. That said, it does seem to be illegal to export fossils from mainland China.

normally I would have asked my friend who is a partner at his law firm to find out for me but I figured there were enough professional paleontologists on here who would know the answer to my question without bugging him :)

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Important invertebrate fossils, like fossils from the Chengjiang fauna, are also under heavy protection, and is also considered to be illegal to be brought out of the borders.

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Even if vertebrate fossils are not meant to leave the country, they are still available over internet auctions sites like Ebay. Although I would never trust these, especially from other countries, you never know what is real and not!

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Important invertebrate fossils, like fossils from the Chengjiang fauna, are also under heavy protection, and is also considered to be illegal to be brought out of the borders.

One of the problems is there are a ton of the soft bodied arthropods and trilobites with appendages and such that have been sold, or are being sold from time before the site was protected and was apparently phosphate mine according to link you provided elsewhere. Wonder about the sales of the pre fossils and records and such what they will do. I can point you to sites still selling alot of them as well as ebay of course...

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  • 1 year later...

Besides Ebay and other online sites (only buy from sellers and dealers that are trustworthy obviously, since so many Chinese fossils nowadays are fake).

There are two other options for you.

1) Buy from old Chinese mineral shops. These are the ones which were set up decades ago when the merchants and dealers came from China, back when it wasn't illegal to export fossils out yet. Hence you can easily find rather spectacular specimens if you are lucky.

2) Buy from HK dealers. Hong Kong is not as stringent in their fossil export laws, and fossils from China are sometimes sent into HK first. It isn't uncommon to hear of these Chinese fossils then being exported through Hong Kong to the global market.

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Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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2) Buy from HK dealers. Hong Kong is not as stringent in their fossil export laws, and fossils from China are sometimes sent into HK first. It isn't uncommon to hear of these Chinese fossils then being exported through Hong Kong to the global market.

I guess that's how Chengjiang fossils are still coming out on ebay... or else is it possible that sellers can get a dispensation for old fossils found before the laws changed?

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I guess that's how Chengjiang fossils are still coming out on ebay... or else is it possible that sellers can get a dispensation for old fossils found before the laws changed?

You mean is it possible that these old-fossil sellers can be ordered to return the fossils to China?

No. The Chinese gov can probably make requests or pleads, and if the fossils involved are of great scientific importance, then yes I agree that the old fossils should be sent to a museum.

Otherwise the sellers are not breaking any laws. In a way, they do own those fossils, and it is up to their discretion as to whether they would want to sell them off.

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Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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You mean is it possible that these old-fossil sellers can be ordered to return the fossils to China?

No. The Chinese gov can probably make requests or pleads, and if the fossils involved are of great scientific importance, then yes I agree that the old fossils should be sent to a museum.

Otherwise the sellers are not breaking any laws. In a way, they do own those fossils, and it is up to their discretion as to whether they would want to sell them off.

I guess you answered my question, but it was just whether fossils found before collecting became illegal are still allowed to be exported.

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As THobern pointed out, forum might not be a good place for legal advise. But I'll try to translate/ quote couple of the rules in China about this issue, maybe some information in English can be found by searching through the following link:


I'm not good at translating the terms of law into English but I'll do my best...

As known, a new rule put into action since Jan, 2011 by the State Council of China virtually banned all exportation of "fossils under special state protection":


“第二十三条. 任何单位和个人不得将其收藏的重点保护古生物化石转让、交换、赠与、质押给外国人或者外国组织

[Translation]---"(xxiii) it shall be prohibited for any organization or individual to transfer, exchange, gift or mortgage a fossil under special state protection with any non-Chinese citizen or foreign organization"

-- to Wrangellian: according to 2011 law as above, it seems that even fossil found before the ban is now illegal to get exported.

For the “regular” fossils not under special state protection, they are still allowed to be brought abroad. However, any such exportation has to be approved and registered in the provincial bureau of land and resources:

"第二十六条. 一般保护古生物化石经所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府国土资源主管部门批准,方可出境"

[Translation]---"(xxvi) exportation of fossils not under special state protection is allowed under the approval of the corresponding provincial bureau of land and resources"

The definition of so called "fossils under special state protection" covers a very various categories. It is generally believed that all vertebrate fossils are on banned list. It is true in most cases (e.g. keichousaurus) that all vertebrate fossil in good preserving conditions may not be exported, but there do exist few exceptions like the Lycoptera, these detailed regulations can be found in the following document (see iiX,(2)) from the Ministry of of Land and Resources of China (believe or not, this gov document is in a word file...):


In the document above, there is also a special list of those protected fossils that cannot be exported as for now (even for those incomplete or in poor preserving condition), the list is both in Chinese and in binomial (Latin) names so it might be good to keep it for reference. I'll paste that list in my next post.

So according to my understanding: (1) all fossils in the list in that MLRC document cannot come to US legally after 2011. And (2) for a piece of fossil not in that list and come legally after 2011, the dealer should have the document of approval from a provincial bureau land and resource. A problem is it is hard to tell whether the fossil is exported before or after the ban... Unfortunately, most "fossils" that come from China to US is illegal. And even more unfortunately, among them most are fakes...

Sorry for the poorly written translation... I hope it helps:) --Yuan

Edited by yzhang
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List of fossils completely banned from exportation:

一、一级重点保护古生物化石 (fossils under special protect. Class I)
(一)无颌类 (Agnatha)
孟氏中生鳗Mesomyzon mengae Chang, Zhang & Miao, 2006
(二)两栖类 (Amphibians)
潘氏中国螈Sinostega pani Zhu & Ahlberg, 2002
扁头中华短头鲵Sinobrachyops placenticephalus ######, 1985
滑体两栖亚纲 Lissamphibia
无尾目 Anura
北票中蟾Mesophryne beipiaoensis Gao & Wang, 2001
细弱宜州蟾Yizhoubatrachus macilentus Gao & Chen, 2004
三燕丽蟾Callobatrachus sanyanensis Wang & Gao, 1999
葛氏辽蟾Liaobatrachus grabaui Ji & Ji, 1998
(三)爬行类 (Reptiles)
无孔亚纲 Anaspida
半甲齿龟Odontochelys semitestacea Li, Wu et al., 2008
青头山甘肃鼻龙Gansurhinus qingtoushanensis Reisz, Liu, Li & Müller, 2011
双孔亚纲 Diapsida
海生爬行类 Marine Reptiles
湖北鳄目 Hupehsuchia
孙氏南漳龙Nanchangosaurus suni Wang, 1959
南漳湖北鳄Hupehsuchus nanchangensis Young, 1972
鱼龙目 Ichthyosauria
龟山巢湖鱼龙Chaohusaurus geishanensis Young & ######, 1972
盘县混鱼龙Mixosaurus panxianensis Jiang, Schmitz, Hao & Sun, 2006
新民龙Xinminosaurus catactes Jiang, Motani, Hao, Schmitz, Rieppel, Sun & Sun, 2008
周氏黔鱼龙Qianichthyosaurus zhoui Li, 1999
梁氏关岭鱼龙Guanlingsaurus liangae Yin, 2000
邓氏萨斯特鱼龙Shastasaurus tange (Cao & Luo, 2000)
美丽盘江龙Panjiangsaurus epicharis Chen & Cheng, 2003
卧龙岗卡洛维龙Callawayia wolonggangense Chen, Cheng & Sander, 2007
海龙超目 Thalattosauria
黄果树安顺龙Anshunsaurus huangguoshuensis Liu, 1999
乌沙安顺龙Anshunsaurus wushaensis Rieppel, Liu & Li, 2006
短吻贫齿龙Miodentosaurus brevis Cheng, Wu & Sato, 2007
孙氏新铺龙Xinpusaurus suni Yin, 2000
巴毛林新铺龙Xinpusaurus bamaolinensis Cheng, 2003
楯齿龙目 Placodontia
新铺中国豆齿龙Sinocyamodus xinpuensis Li, 2000
多板砾甲龟龙Psephochelys polyosteoderma Li & Rieppel, 2002
康氏雕甲龟龙Glyphoderma kangi Zhao, Li, Liu & He, 2008
云贵中国龟龙Sinosaurosphargis yunguiensis Li, Reippel, Wu, Zhao & Wang, 2011
鳍龙目 Eosauropterygia
细颌乌蒙龙Wumengosaurus delicatomandibularis Jiang, Rieppel, Motani, Hao, Sun, Schmitz & Sun, 2008
湖北江汉蜥Hanosaurus hepehensis Young, 1972
杨氏幻龙Nothosaurus youngi Li & Rieppel, 2004
小吻幻龙Nothosaurus rostellatus Shang, 2006
羊圈幻龙Nothosaurus yangjuanensis Jiang, Maisch, Hao, Sun & Sun, 2006
兴义鸥龙Lariosaurus xingyiensis Li, Liu & Rieppel, 2002
李氏云贵龙Yunguisaurus liae Cheng, Sato, Wu & Li, 2006
丁氏滇肿龙Dianopachysaurus dingi Liu, Rieppel, Jiang, Aitchison, Motani, Zhang, Zhou & Sun, 2011
利齿滇东龙Diandongosaurus acutidentatus Shang, Li & Wu, 2011
鳞龙次亚纲 Lepidosauromorpha
赵氏翔龙Xianglong zhaoi Li, Gao, Hou & Xu, 2007
硅藻中新蛇Mionatrix diatomus Sun, 1961
初龙次亚纲 Archosauromorpha
原龙目 Protorosauria
东方恐头龙Dinocephalosaurus orientalis Li, 2003
长颈龙Tanystropheus cf. T. longobardicus
富源巨胫龙Macrocnemus fuyuanensis Li, Zhao & Wang, 2007
初龙超目 Archosauria
混形黔鳄Qianosuchus mixtus Li, Wu, Cheng, Sato & Wang, 2006
翼龙目 Pterosauria
长头狭鼻翼龙Angustinaripterus longicephalus He, Yan & Su, 1984
威氏翼嘴翼龙Pterorhynchus wellnhoferi Czerkas & Ji, 2002
宁城热河翼龙Jeholopterus ningchengensis Wang, Zhou, Zhang & Xu, 2002
弯齿树翼龙Dendrorhynchoides curvidentatus (Ji & Ji, 1998)
模块达尔文翼龙Darwinopterus modularis Lü, Unwin, Jin, Liu et Ji, 2009
玲珑塔达尔文翼龙Darwinopterus linglongtaensis Wang, Kellner, Jiang, Chen, Meng & Rodrigues, 2010
李氏悟空翼龙Wukongopterus lii Wang, Kellner, Jiang & Meng, 2009
中国鲲鹏翼龙Kunpengopterus sinensis Wang, Kellner, Jiang, Chen, Meng & Rodrigues, 2010
崔氏北方翼龙Boreopterus cuiae Lü & Ji, 2005
长吻振元翼龙Zhenyuanopterus longirostris Lü, 2010
杨氏飞龙Feilongus youngi Wang, Kellner, Hou & Campos, 2005
张氏格格翼龙Gegepterus changae Wang, kellner, Zhou & Campos, 2007
秀丽郝氏翼龙Haopterus gracilis Wang & Lü, 2001
布氏努尔哈赤翼龙Nurhachius ignaciobritoi Wang, Kellner, Zhou & Campos, 2005
中国帆翼龙Istiodactylus sinensis Andres & Ji, 2006
张氏朝阳翼龙Chaoyangopterus zhangi Wang & Zhou, 2003
顾氏辽宁翼龙Liaoningopterus gui Wang & Zhou, 2003
董氏中国翼龙Sinopterus dongi Wang & Zhou, 2002
隐藏森林翼龙Nemicolopterus crypticus Wang, Kellner, Zhou & Campos, 2008
湖泊红山翼龙Hongshanopterus lacustris Wang, Campos, Zhou & Kellner, 2008
庆阳环河翼龙Huanhepterus quingyangensis ######, 1982
魏氏准噶尔翼龙Dsungaripterus weii Young, 1964
复齿湖翼龙Noripterus complicidens Young, 1973
尖嘴矛颌翼龙Lonchognathosaurus acutirostris Maisch, matzke & Sun, 2004
临海浙江翼龙Zhejiangopterus linhaiensis Cai & Wei, 1994
鸟臀目 Ornithischia
异齿龙科 Heterodontosauridae
孔子天宇龙Tianyulong confuciusi Zheng, You, Xu & ######, 2009
鸟脚亚目 Ornithopoda
劳氏灵龙Agilisaurus louderbacki Peng, 1990
多齿何信禄龙Hexinlusaurus multidens (He & Cai, 1983)
鸿鹤盐都龙Yandusaurus hongheensis He, 1979
小长春龙Changchunsaurus parvus Zan, Chen, Jin & Li, 2005
上园热河龙Jeholosaurus shangyuanensis Xu, Wang & You, 2000
戈壁原巴克龙Probactrosaurus gobiensis Rozhdestvensky, 1966
巨齿兰州龙Lanzhousaurus magnidens You, Ji & Li, 2005
诺氏马鬃龙Equijubus normani You, Luo, Shubin, Witmer, Tang & Tang, 2003
杨氏锦州龙Jinzhousaurus yangi Wang & Xu, 2001
姜氏巴克龙Bactrosaurus johnsoni Gilmore, 1933
半月金塔龙Jintasaurus meniscus You & Li, 2009
中国谭氏龙Tanius sinensis Wiman, 1929
阿穆尔满洲龙Mandschurosaurus amurensis (Riabinin, 1930)
巨型山东龙Shantungosaurus giganteus Hu, 1973
棘鼻青岛龙Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus Young, 1958
角龙亚目 Ceratopsia
燕子沟辽角龙Liaoceratops yanzigouensis Xu, Makovicky, Wang, Norell & You, 2002
奥氏古角龙Archaeoceratops oshimai ###### & Azuma, 1997
褶皱黎明角龙Auroraceratops rugosus You, Li, Ji, Lamanna & Dodson, 2005
安氏原角龙Protoceratops andrewsi Granger & Gregory, 1923
原角龙Protoceratops hellenikorhinus Lambert, Godefroit, Li, Shang & ######, 2001
道德森巨喙龙Magnirostris dodsoni You & ######, 2003
诸城中国角龙Sinoceratops zhuchengensis Xu, Wang, Zhao & Li, 2010
意外诸城角龙Zhuchengceratops inexpectus Xu, Wang, Zhao, Sullivan & Chen, 2010
剑龙亚目 Stegosauria
太白华阳龙Huayangosaurus taibaii ######, Tang & Zhou, 1982
四川巨棘龙Gigantspinosaurus sichuanensis Ouyang, 1992
多棘沱江龙Tuojiangosaurus multispinus ######, Li, Zhou & Zhang, 1977
关氏嘉陵龙Chialingosaurus kuani Young, 1959
江北重庆龙Chungkingosaurus jiangbeiensis ######, Zhou & Zhang, 1983
平坦乌尔禾龙Wuerhosaurus homheni ######, 1973
鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙Wuerhosaurus ordoeensis ######, 1993
芒康龙Monkonosaurus lawulacus Zhao, 1983
甲龙亚目 Ankylosauria
奇异辽宁龙Liaoningosaurus paradoxus Xu, Wang & You, 2001
洛阳中原龙Zhongyuansaurus luoyangensis Xu, Lü, Zhang, Jia, Hu, Zhang, Wu & Ji, 2007
杨氏天镇龙Tianzhenosaurus youngi Pang et Cheng, 1998
布氏克氏龙Crichtonsaurus bohlini ######, 2002
蜥臀目 Saurischia
蜥脚型亚目 Sauropodomorpha
许氏禄丰龙Lufengosaurus huenei Young, 1941
巨型禄丰龙Lufengosaurus magnus Young, 1947
黄氏云南龙Yunnanosaurus huangi Young, 1942
新洼金山龙Jinshanosaurus xinwaensis Zhang & Yang, 1995
中华安琪龙Anchisaurus sinensis (Young, 1941)
石碑珙县龙Gongxianosaurus shibeiensis He, Wang, Liu, Zhou, Liu, Cai & Dai, 1998
阿纳川街龙Chuanjiesaurus anaensis Fang, Pang, Lu, Zhang, Pan, Wang, Li & Cheng, 2000
李氏蜀龙Shunosaurus lii ######, Zhou & Zhang, 1983
巴山酋龙Datousaurus bashanensis ###### & Tang, 1984
苏氏巧龙Bellusaurus sui ######, 1990
天府峨眉龙Omeisaurus tianfuensis He, Cai, Li & Gao, 1984
毛氏峨眉龙Omeisaurus maoianus Tang, Jin, Kang & Zhang, 2001
荣县峨眉龙Omeisaurus junghsiensis Young, 1938
罗泉峨眉龙Omeisaurus luoquanensis Li, 1988
焦氏峨眉龙Omeisaurus jiaoi Jiang, Li, Peng & Ye, 2011
东坡秀龙Abrosaurus dongpoi (Ouyang, 1989)
合川马门溪龙Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis Young & Chao, 1972
中加马门溪龙Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum Russell & Zheng, 1993
杨氏马门溪龙Mamenchisaurus youngi Pi, Ouyang & Ye, 1996
安岳马门溪龙Mamenchisaurus anyuensis He, Yang, Cai, Li & Liu, 1996
井研马门溪龙Mamenchisaurus jinyanensis Zhang, Li & Zeng, 1998
建设马门溪龙Mamenchisaurus contructus Young, 1954
斯氏盘足龙Euhelopus zdanskyi (Wiman, 1929)
不寻常华北龙Huabeisaurus alocotus Pang & Cheng, 2000
刘家峡黄河巨龙Huanghetitan liujiaxiaensis You, Li, Zhou & Li, 2006
汝阳黄河巨龙Huanghetitan ruyangensis Lü et al., 2007
炳灵大夏巨龙Daxiatitan binglingi You, Li, Zhou & Ji, 2008
康熙桥湾龙Qiaowanlong kangxii You &Li, 2009
兽脚亚目 Theropoda
甘氏四川龙Szechuanosaurus campi Young, 1942
自贡四川龙Szechuanosaurus zigongensis Gao, 1993
建设气龙Gasosaurus constructus ###### & Tang, 1985
中国双嵴龙Dilophosaurus sinensis Hu, 1993
蒋氏单嵴龙Monolophosaurus jiangi Zhao & Currie, 1993
董氏中华盗龙Sinraptor dongi Currie & Zhao, 1993
和平中华盗龙Sinraptor hepingensis (Gao, 1992)
上游永川龙Yangchuanosaurus shangyouensis ######, Chang, Li & Zhou, 1978
巨型永川龙Yangchuanosaurus magnus ######, Zhou & Zhang, 1983
原始中华龙鸟Sinosauropteryx prima Ji & Ji, 1996
东方华夏颌龙Huaxiagnathus orientalis Hwang, Norell, Ji & Gao, 2004
巨型中华丽羽龙Sinocalliopteryx gigas Ji, Ji, Lü & Yuan, 2007
奇异帝龙Dilong paradoxus Xu, Norell, Kuang, Wang, Zhao & Jia, 2004
五彩冠龙Guanlong wucai Xu, Clark, Forster, Norell, Erickson, Eberth, Jia & Zhao, 2006
喀左中国暴龙Sinotyrannus kazuoensis Ji, Ji & Zhang, 2009
白魔雄关龙Xiongguanlong baimoensis Li, Norell, Gao, Smith & Makovicky, 2009
巨型诸城暴龙Zhuchengtyrannus magnus Hone, Wang, Sullivan, Zhao, Chen, Li, Ji, Ji & Xu, 2011
亚洲古似鸟龙Archaeornithomimus asiaticus (Gilmore, 1933)
东方神州龙Shenzhousaurus orientalis Ji, Norell, Makovicky, Gao, Ji & Yuan, 2003
巨型北山龙Beishanlong grandis Makovicky, Li, Gao, Lewin, Erickson & Norell, 2009
泥潭龙Limusaurus inextricabilis Xu et al., 2009
灵巧简手龙Haplocheirus sollers Xu et al., 2010
阿拉善龙Alxasaurus elesitaiensis Russell & ######, 1993
意外北票龙Beipiaosaurus inexpectus Xu, Tang & Wang, 1999
似大地獭肃州龙Suzhousaurus megatherioides Li, Peng, You, Lamanna, Harris, Lacovara & Zhang, 2007
邹氏尾羽龙Caudipteryx zoui Ji, Currie, Norell & Ji, 1998
董氏尾羽龙Caudipteryx dongi Zhou & Wang, 2000
义县似尾羽龙Similicaudipteryx yixianensis Xu, Zheng & You, 2010
粗壮原始祖鸟Protarchaeopteryx robusta Ji & Ji, 1997
戈氏切齿龙Incisivosaurus gauthieri Xu, Cheng, Wang & Chang, 2002
二连巨盗龙Gigantoraptor erlianensis Xu et al., 2008
黄氏河源龙Heyuannia huangi Lü, 2003
斑嵴龙Banji long Xu & Han, 2010
河南秋扒龙Qiupalong henanensis Xu, Kobayashi, Lü, Lee, Liu, Tanaka, Zhang, Jia & Zhang, 2011
千禧中国鸟龙Sinornithosaurus millenii Xu, Tang & Wu, 1998
郝氏中国鸟龙Sinornithosaurus haoiana Liu, Ji, Tang & Gao, 2004
顾氏小盗龙Microraptor gui Xu, Zhou, Wang, Kuang, Zhang & Du, 2003
赵氏小盗龙Microraptor zhaoianus Xu, Zhou & Wang, 2000
陆家屯纤细盗龙Graciliraptor lujiatunensis Xu & Wang, 2004
奥氏天宇盗龙Tianyuraptor ostromi Zheng, Xu, You, Zhao & ######, 2009
精美临河盗龙Linheraptor exquisitus Xu, Choiniere, Pittman, Tan, Xiao, Li, Tan, Clark, Norell, Hone & Sullivan, 2010
杨氏中国似鸟龙Sinornithoides youngi Russell & ######, 1993
张氏中国猎龙Sinovenator changae Xu, Norell, Wang, Makovicky & Wu, 2002
大牙曲鼻龙Sinusonasus magnodens Xu & Wang, 2004
寐龙Mei long Xu & Norell, 2004
河南西峡龙Xixiasaurus henanensis Lü, Xu, Liu, Zhang, Jia & Ji, 2010
华美金凤鸟Jinfengopteryx elegans Ji, Ji, Lü, You, Chen, Liu & Liu, 2005
赫氏近鸟龙Anchiornis huxleyi Xu, Zhao, Norell, Sullivan, Hone, Erickson, Wang, Han & Guo, 2008
长掌义县龙Yixianosaurus longimanus Xu & Wang, 2003
宁城树息龙Epidendrosaurus ningchengensis Zhang, Zhou, Xu & Wang, 2002
胡氏耀龙Epidexipteryx hui Zhang, Zhou, Xu, Wang et Sullivan, 2008
郑氏晓廷龙Xiaotingia zhengi Xu, You, Du & Han, 2011
张氏西峡爪龙Xixianykus zhangi Xu & Wang, 2010
单指临河爪龙Linhenykus monodactylus Xu et al., 2011
兽孔目 Therapsida
玉门中华猎兽Sinophoneus yumenensis Cheng & Ji, 1996
祁连双列齿兽Biseridens qilianicus Li & Cheng, 1997
利齿狭头兽Stenocybus acidentatus Cheng & Li, 1997
大山口珍稀兽Raranimus dashankouensis Liu, Rubidge & Li, 2009
(四)鸟 类(Birds)
热河鸟目 Jeholornithiformes
原始热河鸟Jeholornis prima Zhou & Zhang, 2002
会鸟目 Sapeornithiformes
朝阳会鸟Sapeornis chaoyangensis Zhou & Zhang, 2002
窄脊会鸟Sapeornis angustis Provini, Zhou & Zhang, 2009
原始沈师鸟Shenshiornis primita Hu, Li, Hou & Xu, 2010
目未定 Order indet.
郝氏中鸟Zhongornis haoae Gao, Chiappe, Meng, O’Connor, Wang, Cheng & Liu, 2008
杨氏钟健鸟Zhongjianornis yangi Zhou, Zhang & Li, 2009
孔子鸟目 Confuciusornithiformes
郑氏始孔子鸟Eoconfuciusornis zhengi Zhang, 2008
圣贤孔子鸟Confuciusornis sanctus Hou, Zhou, Gu & Zhang, 1995
杜氏孔子鸟Confuciusornis dui Hou, Martin, Zhou, Feduccia & Zhang, 1999
费氏孔子鸟Confuciusornis feducciai Zhang , 2009
横道子长城鸟Changchengornis hengdaoziensis Ji, Chiappe & Ji, 1999
反鸟类 Enantiornithes
步氏始反鸟Eoenantiornis buhleri Hou, Martin, Zhou & Feduccia, 1999
丰宁原羽鸟Protopteryx fengningensis Zhang & Zhou, 2000
韩氏长嘴鸟Longirostravis hani, Hou, Chiappe, Zhang & Chuong, 2003
朝阳长翼鸟Longipteryx chaoyangensis Zhang, Zhou, Hou & Gu, 2000
棘鼻大平房鸟Dapingfangornis sentisorhinus Li, Duan, Hu, Wang, Cheng & Hou, 2006
秀丽似原羽鸟Paraprotopteryx gracilis Zheng, Zhang & Hou, 2007
库珀扇尾鸟Shanweiniao cooperorum O’Connor, Wang, Chiappe, Gao & Meng, 2009
郑氏波罗赤鸟Boluochia zhengi Zhou, 1995
三塔中国鸟Sinornis santensis Sereno & Rao, 1992
燕都华夏鸟Cathayornis yandica Zhou, Jin & Zhang, 1992
娇小辽西鸟Liaoxiornis delicates Hou & Chen, 1999
孟氏神七鸟Shenqiornis mengi Wang, O’Connor, Zhao, Chiappe, Gao & Cheng, 2010
沃氏始华夏鸟Eocathayornis walkeri Zhou, 2002
河北细弱鸟Vescornis hebeiensis Zhang, Ericson & Zhou, 2004
郭氏渤海鸟Bohaiornis guoi Hu, Li, Hou & Xu, 2011
中生代今鸟型类 Mesozoic Ornithuromorpha
北山朝阳鸟Chaoyangia beishanensis Hou & Zhang, 1993
长趾辽宁鸟Liaoningornis longidigitus Hou, 1996
匙吻古喙鸟Archaeorhynchus spathula Zhou & Zhang, 2006
长冠红山鸟Hongshanornis longicresta Zhou & Zhang, 2005
朝阳副红山鸟Parahongshanornis chaoyangensis Li, Wang & Hou, 2011
小齿建昌鸟Jianchangornis microdonta Zhou, Zhang & Li, 2009
葛氏义县鸟Yixianornis grabaui Zhou & Zhang, 2001
马氏燕鸟Yanornis martini Zhou & Zhang, 2001
玉门甘肃鸟Gansus yumenensis Hou & Liu, 1984
新生代今鸟类 Cenozoic Ornithurae
黑档口松滋鸟Songzia heidangkouensis Hou , 1990
山旺山东鸟Shandongornis shanwangensis Yeh, 1977
硅藻中华河鸭Sinanas diatomas Yeh, 1980
秀丽杨氏鸟Youngornis gracilis Yeh, 1981
泰山齐鲁鸟Qiluornis taishanensis Hou, Zhou, Zhang & Li, 2000
临夏甘肃鹫Gansugypus linxiaensis Zhang, Zheng, Zheng & Hou, 2010
临夏鸵鸟Struthio linxiaensis Hou, Zhou, Zhang & Wang, 2005
(五)哺乳类 (Mammals)
中生代哺乳动物 Mesozoic Mammals
五尖张和兽Zhangheotherium quinquecuspidens Hu, Wang, Luo et Li, 1997
西氏尖吻兽Akidolestes cifellii Li & Luo, 2006
阿氏燕山尖齿兽Yanoconodon allini Luo, Chen, Li & Chen, 2007
中国毛兽Maotherium sinensis Rougier, Ji & Novacek, 2003
亚洲毛兽Maotherium asiatica Ji, Luo, Zhang, Yuan & Xu, 2009
金氏热河兽Jeholodens jenkinsi Ji, Luo & Ji, 1999
强壮爬兽Repenomamus robustus Li, Wang, Wang & Li, 2000
巨爬兽Repenomamus giganticus Hu, Meng, Wang & Li, 2005
粗壮假碾磨齿兽Pseudotribos robustus Luo, Ji & Yuan, 2007
远古翔兽Volaticotherium antiquus Meng, Hu, Wang, Wang & Li, 2006
獭形狸尾兽Castorocauda lutrasimilis Ji, Luo, Yuan & Tabrum, 2006
凌源中国俊兽Sinobaatar lingyuanensis Hu et Wang, 2002
沙氏中国袋兽Sinodelphys szalayi Luo, Ji, Wible & Yuan, 2003
攀援始祖兽Eomaia scansoria Ji, Luo, Yuan, Wible, Zhang & Georgi, 2002
燕无脊兽Acristatherium yanensis Hu, Meng, Li & Wang, 2009
纤细辽兽Liaotherium gracile Zhou, Cheng et Wang, 1991
辽宁锯齿兽Juchilestes liaoningensis Gao, Wilson, Luo, Maga, Meng & Wang, 2009
索菲娅戈壁兽Gobiconodon zofiae Li, Wang, Hu & Meng, 2003
罗氏戈壁兽Gobiconodon luoianus Yuan, Xu, Zhang, Xi, Wu & Ji, 2009
胡氏辽尖齿兽Liaoconodon hui Meng, Wang & Li, 2011
中华侏罗兽Juramaia sinensis Luo, Yuan, Meng & Ji, 2011
新生代哺乳动物 Cenozoic Mammals
翼手目 Chiroptera
意外山旺蝙蝠Shanwangia unexpectula Young, 1977
食肉目 Carnivora
巨鬣狗Dinocrocuta gigantean (Schlosser, 1903)
巴氏剑齿虎Machairodus palanderi (Zdansky, 1924)
东方祖熊Ursavus orientalis
孔子犬熊Amphicyon confucianus
长鼻目 Proboscidea
谷氏铲齿象Platybelodon grangeri Osborn, 1929
奇蹄目 Perissodactyla
霍尔果斯准噶尔巨犀Dzungariotherium orgosense Chiu, 1973
吐鲁番准噶尔巨犀Dzungariotherium turfanense Xu & Wang, 1978
天山准噶尔巨犀Dzungariotherium tienshanense (Chiu, 1962)
沙拉木伦始巨犀Juxia sharamurenensis Chow & Chiu, 1964
葛氏巨犀Paraceratherium grangeri (Osborn, 1923)
美丽巨犀Paraceratherium lepidum Xu & Wang, 1978
细近无角犀Plesiaceratherium gracile Young, 1937
偶蹄目 Artiodactyla
诺氏萨摩兽Samotherium neumayri (Rodler & Weithofer, 1890)
中国萨摩兽Samotherium sinensis (Schlosser, 1903)
舒氏河南兽Honanotherium schlosseri (Pilfrim, 1911)
小齿古麟Palaeotragus microdon (Koken, 1985)
通古尔古麟Palaeotragus tungurensis Colbert, 1936
三角原古鹿Palaeomeryx tricornis
柯氏柄杯鹿Lagomeryx colberti (Young, 1937)
(六)高等植物 (Vascular Plants)
中生代被子植物 Mesozoic Angiospermae
辽宁古果Archaeofructus liaoningensis Sun, Dilcher, Zheng & Zhou, 1998
中华古果Archaeofructus sinensis Sun, Dilcher, Ji & Nixon, 2002
始花古果Archaeofructus eoflora Ji, Li, Bowe, Liu & Taylor, 2004
二、二级重点保护古生物化石 (fossils under special protect. Class II)
(一)鱼 类 (Fish)
关岭贵州空棘鱼Guizhoucoelacanthus guanlingensis Liu, Yin & Luo, 2006
(二)两栖类 (Amphibia)
宽头远安鲵Yuanansuchus laticeps Liu & Wang, 2005
六道湾乌鲁木齐鲵Urumqia liudaowanensis Zhang, Li & Wang, 1984
走廊泰齿螈Ingentidens corridoricus Li & Cheng, 1999
石油似卡玛螈Anakamacops petrolicus Li & Cheng, 1999
有尾超目 Caudata
奇异热河螈Jeholotriton paradoxus Wang, 2000
中华胖螈Pangerpeton sinensis Wang & Evans, 2006
天义初螈Chunerpeton tianyiensis Gao & Shubin, 2003
东方塘螈Laccotriton subsolanus Gao, Cheng & Xu, 1998
凤山中华螈Sinerpeton fengshanensis Gao & Shubin, 2001
钟健辽西螈Liaoxitriton zhongjiani ###### & Wang, 1998
道虎沟辽西螈Liaoxitriton daohugouensis Wang, 2004
围场皇家螈Regalerpeton weichangensis Zhang, Wang, Jones & Evans, 2009
无尾目 Anura
临朐大锄足蟾Macropelobates linquensis (Young, 1977)
山东蟾蜍Bufo shandongensis Roček, ######, Přikryl, Sun, Tan & Wang, 2011
玄武蛙Rana basaltica Young, 1936
榆社蛙Rana yushensis Liu, 1961
(三)爬行类 (Reptiles)
无孔亚纲 Anaspida
程氏别里贝蜥Belebey chengi Müller, Li & Reisz, 2008
海生爬行类 Marine Reptiles
胡氏贵州龙Keichousaurus hui Young, 1958
鳍龙目 Eosauropterygia
杨氏璧山上龙Bishanopliosaurus youngi ######, 1980
自贡璧山上龙Bishanopliosaurus zigongensis Gao et al., 2004
双孔亚纲 Diaspida
孙氏伊克昭龙Ikechosaurus sunailinae Sigogneau-Russell, 1981
皮夹沟伊克昭龙Ikechosaurus pijiagouensis Liu, 2004
楔齿满洲鳄Monjurosuchus splendens Endo, 1941
向阳喜水蜥Philydosaurus proseilus Gao & Fox, 2005
凌源潜龙Hyphalosaurus lingyuanensis Gao, Tang & Wang, 1999
白台沟潜龙Hyphalosaurus baitaigouensis Ji, Ji, Cheng, You, Lü & Yuan, 2004×
鳄目 Crocodylomorpha
石油马来鳄Tomistoma petrolica Yeh, 1958
翼龙目 Pterosauria
潘氏长城翼龙Changchengopterus pani Lü, 2009
杨氏东方翼龙Eosipterus yangi Ji & Ji, 1997
陈氏北票翼龙Beipiaopterus chenianus Lü, 2003
葛氏华夏翼龙Cathayopterus grabaui Wang & Zhou, 2006
短颌辽西翼龙Liaoxipterus brachyognathus ###### & Lü, 2005
刘氏宁城翼龙Ningchengopterus liuae Lü, 2009
李氏凤凰翼龙Fenghuangopterus lii Lü, Fucha & Chen, 2010
角龙亚目 Ceratopsia
侯氏红山龙Hongshanosaurus houi You, Xu & Wang, 2003
杨氏朝阳龙Chaoyangsaurus youngi Zhao, Cheng & Xu, 1999
梅勒营鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus meileyingensis Sereno, Chao, Cheng & Rao, 1988
内蒙古鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus neimongoliensis Russell & Zhao, 1996
鄂尔多斯鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus ordosensis Russell & Zhao, 1996
新疆鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus xinjiangensis Sereno & Chao, 1988
蒙古鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus mongoliensis Osborn, 1923
陆家屯鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis Zhou, Gao, Fox et Chen, 2006
巨大鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus major Sereno, Zhao, Brown et Tan, 2007
中国鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus sinensis Young, 1958
戈壁鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus gobiensis Sereno, Zhao & Tan, 2009
兽孔目 Therapsida
天山双齿兽Diictodon tienshanensis (Sun, 1973)
边缘大青山兽Daqingshanodon limbus Zhu, 1989
新疆二齿兽Dicynodon sinkianensis Yuan & Young, 1934
桃树园二齿兽Dicynodon taoshuyuanensis (Sun, 1973)
博格达二齿兽Dicynodon bogdaensis (Sun, 1973)
肃南二齿兽Dicynodon sunanensis Li, Cheng & Li, 2000
陡壁弓板兽Kunpania scopulusa Sun, 1978
硕大条纹兽Striodon magnus Sun, 1978
布氏水龙兽Lystrosaurus broomi Young, 1939
赫氏水龙兽Lystrosaurus hedini Young, 1935
粗壮水龙兽Lystrosaurus robustus Sun, 1973
石场沟水龙兽Lystrosaurus shichanggouensis Cheng, 1986
魏氏水龙兽Lystrosaurus weidenreichi Young, 1939
杨氏水龙兽Lystrosaurus youngi Sun, 1964
王氏山西兽Shansiodon wangi Yeh, 1959
武乡山西兽Shansiodon wuhsiangensis Yeh, 1959
皮氏中国肯氏兽Sinokannemeyeria pearsoni Young, 1937
银郊中国肯氏兽Sinokanemeyeria yingchiaoensis Sun, 1963
三川河中国肯氏兽Sinokannemeyeria sanchuanheensis Cheng, 1980
长头副肯氏兽Parakannemeyeria dolichocephala Sun, 1960
程氏副肯氏兽Parakannemeyeria chengi Liu, 2004
杨氏副肯氏兽Parakannemeyeria youngi Sun, 1963
宁武副肯氏兽Parakannemeyeria ningwuensis Sun, 1963
神木副肯氏兽Parakannemeyeria shenmuensis Cheng, 1980
戏楼沟陕北肯氏兽Shaanbeikannemeyeria xilougouensis Cheng, 1980
布尔洞陕北肯氏兽Shaanbeikannemeyeria buerdongia Li, 1980
短吻西域肯氏兽Xiyukannemeyeria brevirostris (Sun, 1978)
云南卞氏兽Bienotherium yunnanense Young, 1940
万县似卞氏兽Bienotheroides wansienensis Young, 1982
自贡似卞氏兽Bienotheroides zigongensis Sun, 1986
川南多齿兽Polistodon chuannanensis He & Cai, 1984
(四)哺乳类 (Mammals)
啮齿目 Rodentia
山东硅藻鼠Diatomy shantungensis Li, 1974
食肉目 Carnivora
德氏半熊Hemicyon teilhardi Colbert, 1939
变异副鬣狗Adcrocuta variabilis Zdansky, 1924
通古尔中鬣狗Percrocuta tungurensis (Colbert, 1939)
进步豹鬣狗Chasmaporthetes progressus (Qiu, 1987)
鬣狗型鬣形兽Hyaenictitherium hyaenoides (Zdansky, 1924)
翁氏鬣形兽Hyaenictitherium wongii (Zdansky, 1924)
桑氏硕鬣狗Pachycrocuta licenti (Pei, 1934)
河南斑鬣狗Crocuta honanensis (Zdansky, 1924)
临夏西瓦猎豹Sivapanthera linxiaensis Qiu, Deng & Wang, 2004
古中华虎Panthera palaeosinensis (Zdansky, 1924)
德氏猫Felis teilhardi Pei, 1934
奇蹄目 Perissodactyla
泥河湾披毛犀Coelodonta nihowanensis Kahlke, 1969
马德里西班牙犀Hispanotherium matritense
和政无鼻角犀Acerorhinus hezhengensis
维氏大唇犀Chilotherium wimani Ringsrom, 1924
伊朗犀Iranotherium morgani
简单副板齿犀Parelasmotherium simplym
临夏副板齿犀Parelasmotherium linxiaense Deng, 2001
林氏额鼻角犀Dicerorhinus ringstromi Arambourg, 1959
戈壁安琪马Anchitherium gobiensis Colbert, 1939
东乡三趾马Hipparion dongxiangense Qiu & Xie, 1998
贾氏三趾马Hipparion chiai
渭河三趾马Hipparion weihoense
腔脊三趾马Hipparion coelophyes
膜鼻三趾马Hipparion dermatorhinum
长鼻三趾马Hipparion sinense (Sefve, 1927)
埃氏马Equus eisenmannae Qiu, Deng & Wang, 2004
偶蹄目 Artiodactyla
蒙古利齿猪Listriodon mongoliensis
库班猪Kubanochoerus gigas
斯氏弓颌猪Chleuastochoerus stehlini (Schlosser, 1903)
弱獠猪Microstonyx major
步氏和政羊Hezhengia bohlini Qiu, Wang & Xie, 2000
山东原河猪Propotamochoerus shandongensis
三、三级重点保护古生物化石 (fossils under special protect. Class III)
(一)鱼 类 (Fish)
洪氏辽鲟Liaosteus hongi Lu, 1995
长背鳍燕鲟Yanosteus longidorsalis Jin, Tian, Yang & Deng, 1995
刘氏原白鲟Protopsephurus liui Lu, 1994
中华弓鳍鱼Sinamia zdanskyi Stensiö, 1935
云南龙鱼Saurichthys yunnanensis Zhang, Zhou, Lü & Bai, 2010
刘氏比耶鱼Birgeria liui Jin, 2001
贵州弓鳍鱼Guizhouamia bellula
(二)爬行类 (Reptiles)
满洲满洲龟Manchurochelys manchouensis Endo & Shikama, 1942
辽西鄂尔多斯龟Ordosemys liaoxiensis (Ji, 1995)
建昌辽龟Liaochelys jianchangensis Zhou, 2010
茂名无盾龟Anosteira maomingensis Chow & Liu, 1955
长趾大凌河蜥 Dalinghosaurus longidigitus Ji, 1998
细小矢部龙 Yabeinosaurus tenuis Endo & Shikama, 1942
丽热河蜥Jeholacerta formosa Ji & Ren, 1998


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On 2/20/2014 at 10:49 PM, yzhang said:

List of fossils completely banned from exportation:

一、一级重点保护古生物化石 (fossils under special protect. Class I)


Might have been easier to list the fossils not banned from exportation. :)

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  • 4 years later...

There's still quite a few species ommitted from that roster.

If you show them a transitional, they'll ask for two more. ;)

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On 22/02/2014 at 5:12 AM, Down under fossil hunter said:

Might have been easier to list the fossils not banned from exportation. :)

It also might have been easier not to quote it and just write after the post. That is a list that a dyslexic does not need to see twice . :D

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1 hour ago, Bobby Rico said:

It also might have been easier not to quote it and just write after the post. That is a list that a dyslexic does not need to see twice . :D

Quite true, I should go back to 1943 when my great grandfather quoted that and edit the post ;-)


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13 hours ago, Bobby Rico said:

It also might have been easier not to quote it and just write after the post. That is a list that a dyslexic does not need to see twice . :D


11 hours ago, Down under fossil hunter said:

Quite true, I should go back to 1943 when my great grandfather quoted that and edit the post ;-)


No need. :P 

All set. ;) 

I took care of it for you. :) 

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