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What Is This?

r garrett

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Could someone please identify this.

It looks like a green globe sponge to me, or some kind of tube worm. I found it on a Utah mountain top - 10000ft. Its about the same size as a grapefruit. Any help would be appreciated.




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where in utah. i am in lehi. i am assuming you found it on the top of Timpanogos. if so it is mississippian in age, probably from the Great Blue Limestone Formation.

i would guess a sponge or colonial coral. I would need a clearer photograph of the ends, the circular parts. to be sure. if you are in utah, Provo area, take it to the BYU earth science museum. Dr. Rigby is one of the world sponge experts and he can tell you exactly what kind it is, if it is a sponge.

i am sure we can figure out what it is with little trouble. just need better pics.



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They look cool but I have no idea what they are. We have the same last name though cool. :Thumbs-up:

It's my bone!!!

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O- M- G R Garret!!!! I think you may have a petrified human brain! :blink::)

That is a great specimen I hope you can identify it.

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O- M- G R Garret!!!! I think you may have a petrified human brain! :blink::)

That is a great specimen I hope you can identify it.

That must be what that is Tom, good call. :rolleyes:

It's my bone!!!

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Guest solius symbiosus
i would guess a sponge or colonial coral. I would need a clearer photograph of the ends, the circular parts. to be sure.Brock

Yeah, I agree. It looks like some kind of rugosid.

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where in utah. i am in lehi. i am assuming you found it on the top of Timpanogos. if so it is mississippian in age, probably from the Great Blue Limestone Formation.

I worked for a seismic crew out of Heber, it might be the Timpanogos area where I found it. We used helicopters to fly up to remote places.

I will take a sharper picture and post it.

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Guest solius symbiosus
I worked for a seismic crew out of Heber, it might be the Timpanogos area where I found it. We used helicopters to fly up to remote places.

I will take a sharper picture and post it.

What type of fossilization is it? It looks like it has been silicified. Do you know the epoch of the rocks that it came from?

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Guest N.AL.hunter
O- M- G R Garret!!!! I think you may have a petrified human brain! :blink::)

That is a great specimen I hope you can identify it.

Tomclark, It can't be a petrified human brain because they look exactly like geodes, and this specimen doesn't.

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Guest solius symbiosus
Tomclark, It can't be a petrified human brain because they look exactly like geodes, and this specimen doesn't.

As an undergrad, I used to work in the paleo. museum at our university. One day this guy shows up with a chert nodule that he thought was a fossilized ham.

The nodules are very common in the Miss rx of eastern Ky, and they are reddish in color(as are many of the silicified fossils). Anyway, this thing did look just like a ham.

We tried to explain that even if Indians did live during Miss time, they undoubtedly would not have used a such a precise method for cutting the ends of the "ham". He left somewhat frustrated because he couldn't convince us of the legitimacy of his find.

I bet to this day he proudly displays his ham. :lol:

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Guest N.AL.hunter

Off topic, but...

Every year at the Huntsville Gem & Mineral show, there is a couple from Mississippi (I think) that bring a whole table full of rock "Food". A lot of it looks like the real thing. Really neat to see.

As for this specimen, it sure looks like a coral to me and not a sponge.

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