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Cuba Dinosaurs and other Mesozoic creatures

dinosaur man

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Hi I was just at my aunts house and in her house I found a ammonite :ammonite01: I asked her where it was from and she said she got it in Cuba which made me wonder what creatures lived in Cuba in the Mesozoic I found out In the Jurassic there where Pliesiosaurs, Ichthyosaurs and ammonites and lots of pterosaurs also there has been some dinosaurs too which surprised me because I thought Cuba was under water there’s a few remains of sauropods a Camarasaur  and a Diplodocus like sauropod some more fragmented Sauropod bones and some bones of a unknown Saurischian also some unknown reptile bones have been found too I hope this helps with the Mesozoic creatures of Cuba this is my first informational post Thanks!!


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