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New To Fossil Collecting


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I'm usually out looking for indian artifacts, but lately I've come across a couple of fossils. Can you ID the first two for me and what, if anything is the third one? TIA!




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The first one is, I think, contains the cross-section of a crinoid ("sea lilly) stem.

The second one might be Bryozoan ("moss-animal), but the pic is a little fuzzy.

My take on the third is that it is a mineral formation.

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Further the last one appears to be a pocket of worn drusy quartz crystals in a quartz mineral group parent stone like jasper, agate or quartzite.

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I vote horn coral.

Hey Gang, I put in a 2nd vote for the horn coral ID for the 1st fossil. Moore's Invertebrates fossils has a number of figures showing solitary rugose cross sections (different genera) from different ages similar to this cross section. Stereocorypha sp.(Pennsylvanian),Metriophyllum sp. (Devonian), Zaphrentoides sp. (Mississippian) to name 3. Not sure if any are the actual one but I present them as examples of the flower-like pattern shown. Regards, Chris

Here's also a cool link from the Kentucky Geological Survey on identifying fossils by shape. Will help explain the process of elimination we all go thru sometimes. Not definitive this time but explains different choices to eliminate.


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