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Mystery Jaw Fragment

Sharks of SC

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Does anyone have any idea what this jaw fragment might be from? I found it while beachcombing one of the fossil rich beaches bordering the Cooper River near Charleston, SC. All of the fossils that I find on this beach are reworked from a medley of formations along the bottom of the river, which makes it virtually impossible to date. I had a friend suggest that it might be from a fish, but other opinions would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the poor image quality.


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It could be Pachyrhizodus (Cretaceous fish), but that's a guess because you have to post better photos for an ID. Try using the macro function on your camera (the little flower).

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Thanks, but Im afraid that the poor image quality is going to have to suffice for the time being. Im a college student, and money is tight. Who knows, maybe Santa will get me a nice camera this year! Thanks for the possible id - Im about to start researching it any moment now.


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I was always under the impression that all drum species had broad, flat plates with small, rounded teeth for crushing. Do you have any examples of drum with a linear arrangement of teeth? Again, sorry for the poor image quality, but it looks far more preditorial to me...more like a barracuda, or even a dolphin...or even a small whale (squalodon?). Anyways, thanks for the tip...looks like Ive got some research ahead of me!


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you retracted before i replied, I agree entirely. Wahoo seems plausible as well.

Check out the link I posted above in my post, edited.

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OK college student, :D

Your assignment is to borrow a camera from a friend for 5 minutes, or get them to take it with their high dollar cell phone. The photos posted are "wishful". :P;)

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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ok, first of all, cbk, try taking the photos in much brighter light. a lot of digicams are notoriously bad at focusing in low light levels.

secondly, drumfish do have jaw teeth as well as the pharyngeal "throat" grinding plates that get discussed a lot. not that i'm saying your jaw is from a drum, because i haven't studied those kinds of things that much.

i know that some fish, like sheepshead, have "human" looking teeth in the front for nibbling off shellfish and stuff. the key thing seems to be what the fish eats. if it's hard-shelled stuff, then they tend to have those rounded off, "crusher"-type teeth.

ok, all the above is probably wrong, but i threw it out there because dinner's ready bye.

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Thank you everyone,

The link was quite helpful, and Im certainly leaning towards wahoo or a close ancestor.


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I'm not hammering you CBK, but the ruler in one photo is almost in focus behind your specimen. :)

Compare THIS.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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