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What Kinds Of Shells Are These ?

matthew textor

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hi everybody can anyone tell me what the names of these shells are?

hrer is a photo of the 3 shells



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Guest Nicholas

The middle and the bottom shells are definitely brachiopods, the first one I'm not sure. I am having a hard time seeing it.

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Guest solius symbiosus

The first one is am internal mold, but I don't know the genus. The middle one is some kind of speriferid? The last one ... rhynchonellid? Where were they found.

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Hello, Textor:

The second and third brachiopods are spiriferids, and are most likely Mucrospirifer. They are very similar to Mucrospirifer consobrinus from the middle Devonian. The first brachiopod is an internal mold with all diagnostic shell removed. By the shape of the mold, it may also be a spiriferid. The picture is just not clear enough and the single view does not allow distinction of the shape. Do you have the age, formation and locality information for these brachiopods? They appear to Devonian. Hope this helps.



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The mold is also a clue. For some reason the brachs of the genus 'Rhipdomella' are often found as molds. I've found molds of Rhipdomella like your one in deposits as far ranging as those in Belgium, Nevada and here in Alberta. Perhaps it was some local environment that this group of brachs lived in that led to this particular type of preservation. Rhipdomella is also found with more common external preservation like most brachiopods.

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