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Coronavirus ( 2019-nCoV) China VIRUS on fossils???


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Good evening folks.  I just received an order of fossils from China and haven't opened it yet.  Took it out of my mailbox with a rag (which I immediately threw away) and put the package in a large baggie.   The fossils did not come from an infected location but I have no idea about the shipping trail / process.  The only thing I know about viruses is to avoid people and things that might have been exposed.  Am I being overly concerned?

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Most viruses can survive up to seven days on surfaces, but most lose their ability to infect sooner than that.


Topic moved to Questions and Answers as this is not a Fossil ID request.

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I found this question and answer informative.


Especially the below excerpt. I know it is specifically speaking about items being mailed to the UK, but it stands to reason that this information would be true for the US as well, since it typically takes longer for mailed items to travel here.


** Excerpt from 

China coronavirus: Your questions answered

  • 23 January 2020

Can the coronavirus be transferred through items bought from Wuhan and posted to UK? - Stefan

There is no evidence this is a risk. Some diseases - including the coronavirus that causes Sars - can spread through surfaces contaminated by people coughing or sneezing on them. 

It has not been shown this new coronavirus can do that. Even if it could, there would still be questions about whether international shipping would be a major problem. 

Cold viruses tend to survive less than 24 hours outside the human body although norovirus (a severe stomach bug) can last months outside the body. 

The most reassuring fact so far is that cases seem to require close contact with another person - say, a family member or healthcare worker - in order to spread.

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The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.  -Neil deGrasse Tyson


Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't. -Bill Nye (The Science Guy)

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Let the package spend that week you are anticipating, basking in direct sunlight.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, also are remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See

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2 hours ago, snolly50 said:

Let the package spend that week you are anticipating, basking in direct sunlight.

And wipe all the phlegm and snot off before touching it. :rolleyes:

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I wouldn’t worry about it. Just wash your hands after handling the box if you’re concerned. 

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Might not want to use your teeth to open it but besides that you should be OK.  :) 

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5 hours ago, caldigger said:

And wipe all the phlegm and snot off before touching it. :rolleyes:

LOL...  I wondered what all those spots were on the package.  But it does make you wonder, when is the last time you have heard of an entire city of 11 million people being isolated/quarantined. Including their railroads and airports being shut down. They are restricted to their homes and it's enforced by the active duty military.  Which just happens to be where China's only Germ Warfare facility is located.  When is the last time you've heard of the USA airports restricting passengers from another country from entering the airport facility until they have been inspected and passed by the CDC doctors - never.  If you're over 60 and not in good health (like me) this virus can be devastating/deadly.  Just a few thoughts to ponder.

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The World Health Organization estimates 140,000 deaths from measles, worldwide, in 2018, and more last year. Yet some people refuse to vaccinate their kids. Let's keep things in perspective.

Start the day with a smile and get it over with.


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