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Archaic Bowl


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I found this when I was "kid" in an old coffee can tin in one of my grandpas barns. He found it along with some archaic points in his corn fields. Always wondered what it was. It seems a little small for a milling bowl. Wondering if anyone has seen anything similar to it / know what it may be.


- Brad


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Not sure but it could be a paint bowl, nutting stone or a headstock stone used with a drill to start a fire? B)B)B):)


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that's kinda small to be used for something...

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A fire drill seems unlikely because you commonly need a notch for fuel(air)

True, but the notch goes in the base; it is proposed that this piece might be the headstock. If it was used for that purpose, I might expect to see some polish in the "cup". A pigment mortar/paint pot is also a reasonable guess as to it's use.

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Agree with Worthy. Seems way too small for a "paint" bowl, and they always seem to have some residual pigment in them too. Brad, you might check out some museum collections from the same area. It's likely you could view other examples that may have been the subject of some research.

Edited by JohnJ

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Sweet little find whatever it is! Definitely a keeper to be sure.

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A mould to put a molten metal inside ?



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