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Where can I find information about the taphonomy of the Asery (Aseri) Level in the St.Petersburg region, Russia?


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Has a comprehensive study of the taphonomy of the trilobites found in the Asery Level, Simankovo Formation, been published in either English or Russian? If so, where has this research been published?


I have found online a copy of:


Ivantsov, A. Y. (2004) Ordovician Trilobites of the Subfamily Asaphinae of

the Ladoga Glint. Paleontological Journal v. 37, supp. 3, pp. S229-S337.




However, I would like to find a more detailed discussion of the taphonomy / sedimentology of the the Asery Level, Simankovo Formation if it exists in either English or Russian.


More details are in "What's the age of Asery Level" at



Any citations that anyone can recommend would be appreciated.




Paul H.

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You can get contact info for Andrey Ivantsov at the publications section on his ResearchGate link.  He established the Simankovo [Симанково] Formation in this paper:


Ivantsov, A.Y., Mel'nikova, L.M. 1998

ВОЛХОВСКИЙ И КУНДАСКИЙ ГОРИЗОНТЫ ОРДОВИКА И ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА ТРИЛОБИТОВ И ОСТРАКОД НА Р. ВОЛХОВ (ЛЕНИНГРАДСКАЯ ОБЛАСТЬ). [The Lower Ordovician Volkhov and Kunda Horizons and Characteristics of Trilobites and Ostracodes (the Volkhov River, Leningrad Region).] Stratigrafiya, Geologicheskaya Korrelyatsiya, 6(5):47-63



additional info:


Rasmussen, C.M.Ø., Nielsen, A.T., Harper, D.A.T. 2009

Ecostratigraphical interpretation of lower Middle Ordovician East Baltic sections based on brachiopods.

Geological Magazine, 146(5):717-731  PDF LINK


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