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Hello together,

Something I quite often see in the ID-section are pseudofossils commented as "geological/rock".

I dont want to be nitpicking, probably it´s just short for "purely geological".

Simply "geological" doesn´t seem opposed to fossil, in my understanding fossils do happen at the interesection between geology and biology. So "no biologic structure"=no fossil (except chemical fossils) , but "geological" seems to apply to all the specimens (if they are not molten plastic, recent bone, or something else entirely. )

English is not my native tongue as you may have noticed, but in my understanding fossils are also rocks, at least some kinds, for example steinkern preservation, (rocks with) impressions...

So it may be confusing especially for the newbies that often ask about pseudofossils if "geology" stands as the opposite of fossil.

What do you think?

Best Regards,



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I think most of us try to differentiate by saying the item is not a fossil, or is geologic in nature, rather than biologic.

That is why I usually try to give some distinguishing characteristics to explain why something is NOT a fossil. 

(No bone texture, no enamel for teeth, no bilateral symmetry. Etc.)

Sometimes we get sloppy, and just say it's a rock or geologic.

I find this seems to happen most when a new member tends to post a lot of rocks.  :blush: :rolleyes:


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I agree with @Fossildude19

I also agree that, I for one, could do better about explaining why I think it is not a fossil or why I think it is strictly geological in nature. Sometimes it seems obvious to me, but I tend to forget that it isn’t as obvious to others (especially new people). If it was, they wouldn’t be posting the item to begin with. 


 Also, other people who are searching the forum looking for answers, need a better explanation so they can learn. Thanks @Mahnmut for bringing this to our attention. I’ll try to do better. :) 

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I agree that the word "geologic" can be misleading. Inorganic would be a good choice.





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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