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What Sarah Palin Thinks Of Evolution


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I found this Sarah Palin quote in the magazine, Entertainment Weekly.

"I don't believe in the theory that human beings--thinking, loving beings--originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea."

She needs to crack a high school biology book. Evolution doesn't say fish suddenly sprouted legs and became human beings.

Worse yet, Kirk Cameron, a famous actor from the tv series, Growing Pains, somehow got the rights to Darwin's Origin of the Species and had a pro-creationist introduction inserted in it. And he's distributing 50,000 copies of it to universities around the country. In the introduction he ties Adolf Hitler to the theory of evolution and slanders Darwin with false charges of racism and sexism.

I wish these celebrities would take the time to actually study a science book.

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As I have said before, don't blame the individuals. They are a product of our educational system. Blame their teacher, or more accurately, blame the institution of higher education that gave their teacher a certificate. I have worked with 13 different science teachers through the years, over half I would rate incompetent in their subject area. Those are high school teachers, don't even get me started on elementary. I know of two other science teachers in this area who are anti-evolution. Biology is the easiest science subject to teach to students, because most have a strong interest in the subject, but it is probably the most poorly taught, at least in my opinion.

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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Guest N.AL.hunter

As a Former High School Science Teacher, I must say you are not quite correct in blaming the educational system. While there are poorly trained teachers out there, the fact remains that the majority of the US Population does not believe in Evolution because they have been brain-washed from the womb into adulthood every Sunday (and often Wednesday) by their brain-washed parents and preachers. It is very hard as a teacher to overcome the ignorance which has been installed into their minds by the primary authority figures in their lives.

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As a Former High School Science Teacher, I must say you are not quite correct in blaming the educational system. While there are poorly trained teachers out there, the fact remains that the majority of the US Population does not believe in Evolution because they have been brain-washed from the womb into adulthood every Sunday (and often Wednesday) by their brain-washed parents and preachers. It is very hard as a teacher to overcome the ignorance which has been installed into their minds by the primary authority figures in their lives.

Indoctrination into a belief system before you have the maturity and awareness to understand it is a travesty.

<------- Minor in chemistry, BS in zoology, MS in environmental science, with lots of coursework in evolution and genetics.

Edited by Auspex

Take it easy, but take it

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it seems the forum can never go on very long without some needless, out-of-the-blue political or ideological post developing that serves only the purpose of riling everyone up. does anyone really think that any adult on line reads any post or article taking a position contrary to the one they hold and that they go, "OH MY GOSH! I SUDDENLY SEE THE LIGHT! I'VE BEEN WRONG IN MY THINKING! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" it doesn't happen. therefore, all such rants accomplish nothing other than ticking people off, which is why the rules exist against them.

why is this concept unclear? why do people constantly feel the need to try to force the rest of the world to believe as they do? it won't happen. have fun on the forum. post pictures of fossils. study up on stuff you find interesting about fossils and geology and all.

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it seems the forum can never go on very long without some needless, out-of-the-blue political or ideological post developing that serves only the purpose of riling everyone up. does anyone really think that any adult on line reads any post or article taking a position contrary to the one they hold and that they go, "OH MY GOSH! I SUDDENLY SEE THE LIGHT! I'VE BEEN WRONG IN MY THINKING! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" it doesn't happen. therefore, all such rants accomplish nothing other than ticking people off, which is why the rules exist against them.

why is this concept unclear? why do people constantly feel the need to try to force the rest of the world to believe as they do? it won't happen. have fun on the forum. post pictures of fossils. study up on stuff you find interesting about fossils and geology and all.

Summed up nicely.

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