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Fossil Barn

old dead things

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I posted this once before a year or so ago, then mistakingly deleted all the pictures. But now that I finally got my wood stove in, it looks a lot better. I enclosed a horse barn, put ten ton of gravel on the floor, then insulated the walls (still need to do the ceiling) and even put in an intercom so the wife can call me to supper.









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wow! sweet shack! from the first pick it looks like fossils are literally pouring out of your barn! hahaha

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day. ~ E. B. White

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Looks like heaven to me!:D Enjoy my friend.

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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Niiiiice! Me likey!!!

(I'm assuming the intercom has an "off" switch in case you are working on something really good?)

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old dead things.....what a brilliant fossil workshop, full of character and a lovely view.. thanks for posting those.... I can see your going to be busy ...lol

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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One very neato hobbie shop youve got yourself!!! I really like the woodstove in there too. Only wish I could say the same. Buuuuuuur!!!!!


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That's my idea of a fine "depositional environment"!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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That's a great looking shop! Its nice to have a separate place to work and not have to worry about making a mess. I'm envious.

I've been to the Tate Museum in Casper and seen them working on the mosasur you donated. I will be interested to see how it finally preps out. It was very generous of you to part with it. I understand its in a really hard matrix and extremely hard to prep. I would like to see a picture when its all done. You should post it on your page. Thanks again,

- from a Tate Museum supporter!

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Thank you for all the great comments. The antlers were mentioned several times, yes we have a lot of mule deer and I put up a picture of that 4-point at the feeder. I also sell antlers and skulls. In the first picture in the original post, the white rock outside the barn I refer to as my mistakes prepping fish..........really though that is where I cut the fish. The fossil barn was four years getting it to this point.......I'm retired, so I have plenty of time to piddle around. The fish preparation takes place in the fossil garage and I'll post pictures of that at another time.

Picture 1- one of the little bucks that hang around

Pictures 2, 3 a couple of shots from the barn


Old Dead Things




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That looks great, I wish I had something like that

the only problem is not my wife would never call me for super

It's always my turn to cook, and her VCR is still flashing 12 o clock :P

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Hey! What did I tell you people about living my dreams! Stop it!

That be a nice Rock Hut there, I bet you spend more time there than in your house!

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Very nice, but I didn't see the beer mister. Or big screen TV.

With rocks in my head, and fossils in my heart....

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Now that is the heat! Really great set up you've got going for you. I want one like it.

The best days are spent collecting fossils

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