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Fossil Wood Preservation


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Hello all! 
I picked up a massive lump of fossil wood from the Eocene London Clay beds in Suffolk, England. Normally I leave fossil wood but this is by far the largest piece I have found that isn’t crushed. Would it be advisable to soak it in fresh water that is changed every day? Any advice would be great fully appreciated. 




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I think that would be wise to prevent salt crystal growth and possibly pyrite disease (if there is any). From experience, fossil wood does seem more likely to break down than any other fossil. I’m not familiar with the area but some lignite I collected from the Isle of Wight a year ago has already crumbled to dust :(.

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lignite wood can crumble in wood if allowed to dry from experience, i store it in water/oil but i assume you could put paraloid on it after removing it from the water without letting it dry

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