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Bone Valley Whites


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I am sitting at home, sorting ziplock bags of fossils collected in the last year. You know the problem.  Too many fossils in the house. 

All these fossils came out of a Bone Valley Creek,  definitely Miocene.  For those of you who are fortunate enough to collect Bone Valley teeth, what is happening with the white on these teeth?  Especially the Hemipristis.. A white tip. or the "bourlette" on the Tiger?



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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Wow, they're reverting back to the color they were when the shark was using them.  Maybe some sort of reaction as the phosphate slowly dries within the core?

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Thanks for all the encouraging comments. I had not seen this specific combination of coloring on BV shark teeth.

If you consider the hemi, I have frequently seen the color combo of blue _grey enamel combined with tan or white roots. So, to me that's "normal". Here is one of my best:



I thought of it as a possible 2 step process. Maybe the tip was exposed to sunlight for thousands of years while the rest was under ground.  Interesting to speculate !!!!


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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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3 hours ago, Shellseeker said:

Maybe the tip was exposed to sunlight for thousands of years while the rest was under ground.


Prehistoric teeth bleaching! :D

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Accomplishing the impossible means only that the boss will add it to your regular duties.

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11 hours ago, Shellseeker said:

 Here is one of my best:



That is some tasty caramel goodness there. That's a 10/10 in my book! :)







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I need to hunt dry land sites more often. These are so much prettier than stained river teeth.  :)


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18 minutes ago, jpc said:

i love your leaf as background

I have similar feelings. @Shellseeker, Did you ever figure out an answer to the coloration. I found a few of these teeth along the road back in November. They looked odd to even a novice like me!  



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No Mike, have not figured out anything...

The base questions are what triggers the color variations in the enamel and why are Bone Valley roots white. 

I have some understanding of the 1st, no understanding of the 2nd question

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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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