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Mounting a dinosaur fossil so it can stand by itself


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Can I get some tips on how to mount a fossil? What materials do I need and is there a thread that someone has already made on the forum that I can follow and learn?




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Mounting a fossil is dependent entirely on what you are mounting and what you are trying to do. Individual bones can be mounted with home made wooden or metal stands. An entire skeleton is a much bigger process that is very time consuming as you first and foremost must mount the fossils so that they are protected and won't fall/break. Additionally, you must understand the anatomy of the animal you are mounting, otherwise you may place bones in the wrong position or the animal may be mounted in a position that is not realistic. What are you wanting to mount? An individual bone, series of bones, or a skeleton? 

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Pulled this off of Facebook fossil forum.   But this is a typical armature that one would use for a skeleton.  You want it to be as invisible as possible while holding the bones in a realistic pose and anatomically correct.  Bones are removable not glued together like the image you posted which is a very poor mount.



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