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Global Laboratory and field work shut downs bring scientific research to a cold stop.


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With laboratories shut, coronavirus forces scientists to ‘stop cold’

Los Angeles Times by Joel Rubin and Amina Khan, April 29, 2020



This article talks mainly about medical and biological research, but 

the pandemic also has shut down geological, including some of 

mine, research cold. Will lose an entire field season. The crash 

in the price of oil also will disrupt and end geological and

paleontological research. This is a major event in science. 


Fortunately, I am able to get Global Mapper and ArcGIS to work 

on my home computer so I have something to work on along with 

finishing a couple of planned papers. 




Paul H.


"The past is never dead. It's not even past." 

William Faulkner, Act 1, Scene III, Requiem for a Nun (1951)

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I feel your pain.  I also am barred from my lab.  My grad students have been sent home.  I have them working on their literature reviews and a few other writing projects, but time is passing and no actual research is getting done.  It's very frustrating.  I thought about bringing some equipment home and setting up a lab in the basement but I was told "no" in no uncertain terms.  In the meantime I know that a competing lab in Brazil is running at full speed.  Still, there is nothing I can do about it.  So I stay home and try to work on grant proposals that are missing key pieces of preliminary data, so I know they will be almost impossible to get funded.



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