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Small Dino Teeth

grampa dino

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Just thought I would post some photo's of a few of the small

Dinosaur teeth I have collected, just to show not all dino's where big, scale cm.

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Edited by grampa dino
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i want to find some dinosaur parts. big, honkin', viscious dinosaur parts. stuff that nobody in their right (or wrong) mind could mistake for a bison. but it seems to me like the dinosaurs actually went extinct in parge lart because they didn't have good real estate agents back then. it seems like the majority of dinosaurischian coolnesses are found in the most goshawful, horrendously uninhabitable places on the planet. what's up with that?

post some big, honkin', viscious dinosaur material so i'll know what i'm missing again.

but i like the little stuff too.

i've been thinking about moving to the go-me desert. bound to find stuff there...

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Wow, that's really awesome. I love small fossils. Do you have ID's on them?

Yes I do, on most of them anyway

All I have to do is finger out haw to edit the ones posted :blink:

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