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This One Gives Me The Willies Too!

Guest Smilodon

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Guest Smilodon

Not sure which is worse, that giant hyena I posted a few days ago or this cat Machairodus which is accurately called a Scimitar cat rather than a Saber cat.

Again, Mio/Plio from China. Again, not mine, now, but if I play my cards right...........

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The Saber cat, Megantereon is the smaller of the two skulls but has the longer saber-like canines.

Edited by Smilodon
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Now sure which is worse, that giant hyena I posted a few days ago or this cat (Machairodus) which is accurately called a Scimitar cat rather than a Saber cat.

Again, Mio/Plio from China. Again, not mine, now, but if I play my cards right...........

post-2027-12598931704171_thumb.jpg post-2027-12598932991578_thumb.jpg

Sheesh, that is a nice one! Play your cards right then cash in your chips :D

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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I tawt I taw a <arrrrrghhhh!>

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Sufffffferin suckkkkotash, where did they all go....?

If you haven't read this book:


then do. It is one of those great books that is both scientific and yet easy to read by the lay man. I never knew about the different types of cats other than sabertooths until I read it.

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