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Report From The Fossil Forum Peace River Trip.

Pool Man

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Hi all, I just got back from my day out at the peace river. Pretty good day for me. Found my first mastodon tooth piece and a vert of some kind,maybe a small mastodon. The other guys found some nifty stuff as well. The following pics are of my haul for the day, and of the tooth part, vert, horse tooth, and a bone with a bunch of predation marks all over it.








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A great haul.. Nice mammoth tooth. That vert

is sure large and I wonder what it is..

Welcome to the forum!

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Thanks for the report. Could you post some photos of where you guys are hunting? Possibly some campground photos too?

For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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Nice haul! I was looking at visiting the Peace river on the 24-26th of this month. A lot depends on our sharks tooth dives scheduled. If seas are bad, I will be looking to go the the Peace river or another area I have heard about.

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Once Anson and Cris get back, I'm sure they will post some videos of where we were hunting. It was a decent place. Nice boat ramp. Not nice bathrooms. Easy walking distance to a few shallow hunting areas. I'm gonna try and convince my wife that I need to go back tomorow :blink:

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Well as for me , looked around for some spots to come back to later. We did not find much but really had a great time,I'll will be going back soon. I need to find someone that wants to camp on the river. That way I can just wake up and roll out of the tent had into the river. B)B):)









It's my bone!!!

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Well after leaving Saturday at 7pm my brother and I stopped and found a local grove owner who let us pick a bunch of fresh off the tree velencia oranges and we hopped back on the road. After a LONG haul we arrived home at 4:30pm. So I took off home instead of going to get the cable for the camera I took along. So I'll post what few pic's I got while I was there.

Even with all of my bad luck for the trip, being sick the first half of saturday and then walking in a fire ant nest when I finaly did start walking down to where everyone was digging, I had an awesome adventure! I'm still kind of bumed we didn't see any gators though!

I'll post pics as soon as I get the cable I need.


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I had a great time.. Got to meet a bunch of collectors off this forum and hunt fossils for two solid days. I got a nice little load of goodies... Not the perfect handsize C. megalodon tooth I was hoping for, but I was still satisfied. Pool Man found that vert, horse tooth and mastodon tooth chunk back to back... He looked like a madman over there digging his brains out :P I kept hoping Desmond and his brother would pop a nice whole megalodon out since they drove aaaall the way from Ohio, but it just never popped into their screen (Desmond gave me that screen later since he "didn't like it anymore" :P) Michael decided he'd just feel around for the teeth and found just as many pieces of large teeth than the people digging.

Here's a picture of Renz's group fossil hunting and my finds for both days.

post-16-1205792980_thumb.jpg post-16-1205793004_thumb.jpg

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Cris those are awesome fossils!

Im glad everyone had fun!

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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Well here's the video results from the trip, I think I captured the best moments of the event. Keep in mind these videos are for entertainment only :P Cris and I are not serious people we tend to spend more time goofing off than anything else. Heres the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhB1dim2itY

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"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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Ahhhh, good times :P I like acting like a fool.. It makes me seem slightly smarter when I begin to act normal again........slight..ly...

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Believe it or not I'm probably goofier than you guys!


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Glad you pointed out that was a hamburger cause I

actually thought you were eating something from the river... :o

Looks like it was a cool hunt!

Welcome to the forum!

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Glad you pointed out that was a hamburger cause I

actually thought you were eating something from the river... :o

Looks like it was a cool hunt!

Roz are you mocking my hamburger making skills?

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