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Can I Borrow $49,000.00...


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Has anyone seen this auction:

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If someone can lend me $49,000.00, maybe we can all have a get together and finish prepping this thing. :rolleyes:

It could really be a lot of fun!!!


Knowledge has three degrees-opinion, science, illumination. The means or instrument of the first is sense; of the second, dialectic; of the third, intuition.

Plotinus 204 or 205 C.E., Egyptian Philosopher

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Isnt that a 'tad' expensive ...? :o If its as good as is made out, you would of thought preppers would be tripping over this aquisition.... You know the price of your gear better than me.... enlighten me....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Isnt that a 'tad' expensive ...?

I am with Terry on this a lot of money for ??????. Plus if it's as important as seller says the pro's would be fighting over it. But you got a point Cole it would be fun for a bunch of members to get together and prep a cool piece what a learning experience for no prepping people like me. Thanks for the link you got to love eBay.

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

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I'm not even sure if it is actually a raptor. It is only a partial back end, I'm not into dinos personally so I can't determine what it is. Just seems like a very expensive to good to be true fossil.

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I once listed a pool table and furniture that were handmade for a wealthy guy who was computer-illiterate. You'd be surprised how little it costs to list a pricey item at eBay. The 25,000 low-bid auction I started for the guy cost something like five bucks.

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It looks cool, but i wouldn't buy it. Who know all you get would be a box of rocks.

Its a bit of a risk that i wouldn't.


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Does that mean noone will lend me the money? :(

I guess in this economy if I had to choose, raptor fossil or 49 grand, I would definately take the 49 grand. I was just dreamin of course, a man can dream cant he? :)

Anyway even if it was a genuine raptor fossil, then where are my skull, teeth and claws? Very suspicious that he does not know if they are present and I bet this guy has them hidden in a safe deposit box somewhere.

Still...it would be amazing to find something like this.

Thanks for the replies,


Edited by Cole

Knowledge has three degrees-opinion, science, illumination. The means or instrument of the first is sense; of the second, dialectic; of the third, intuition.

Plotinus 204 or 205 C.E., Egyptian Philosopher

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A couple of things seem not right to me. The seller says the specimen was found on his property near Bisbee AZ and is Jurassic. There is a lot of Cretaceous near Bisbee, the Molino formation (if I remember the name correctly) is largely terrestrial and is Lower Cretaceous but basically unfossiliferous, and the Mural above that is marine limestone. I don't recall any Jurassic in that area, unless someone has decided the Molino goes down into the Jurassic. Anyway aren't velociraptors exclusively Late Cretaceous? Late Cretaceous hadrosaur (isolated bones) and a largely intact sauropod, and theropod teeth, have been found in the Fort Crittenden formation south of Sonoita and in the Whetstone Mountains, which is in the same general area but wouldn't be described as "near Bisbee". So either the age or the locality doesn't seem right. Still, that area is very complex so it's conceivable there could be a tiny slice of Jurassic on his property, which just happened to have contained an associated hadrosaur and velociraptor, neither dinosaur type otherwise known from the Jurassic anywhere in the world before this remarkable find.


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Dodgy: he does refer to it as a "Velociraptor", which is late Cretaceous, not Jurassic.

Doesn't smell right.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

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A couple of things seem not right to me. The seller says the specimen was found on his property near Bisbee AZ and is Jurassic. There is a lot of Cretaceous near Bisbee, the Molino formation (if I remember the name correctly) is largely terrestrial and is Lower Cretaceous but basically unfossiliferous, and the Mural above that is marine limestone. I don't recall any Jurassic in that area, unless someone has decided the Molino goes down into the Jurassic. Anyway aren't velociraptors exclusively Late Cretaceous? Late Cretaceous hadrosaur (isolated bones) and a largely intact sauropod, and theropod teeth, have been found in the Fort Crittenden formation south of Sonoita and in the Whetstone Mountains, which is in the same general area but wouldn't be described as "near Bisbee". So either the age or the locality doesn't seem right. Still, that area is very complex so it's conceivable there could be a tiny slice of Jurassic on his property, which just happened to have contained an associated hadrosaur and velociraptor, neither dinosaur type otherwise known from the Jurassic anywhere in the world before this remarkable find.



Yes, it seems you've sniffed this one out. There is Early Jurassic material in Navajo County (northeastern part of the state) but have never heard of dinosaurs of any age from around Bisbee. He brings the Black Hills guys into his hard sell so you might give them a call for their side of the story. It might be a hadrosaur jumble but if the BH guys didn't think it was worth even partnering with the owner on prepping it, it's probably just some vertebrae plus odds and ends.

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Does that mean noone will lend me the money? :(

I guess in this economy if I had to choose, raptor fossil or 49 grand, I would definately take the 49 grand. I was just dreamin of course, a man can dream cant he? :)

Anyway even if it was a genuine raptor fossil, then where are my skull, teeth and claws? Very suspicious that he does not know if they are present and I bet this guy has them hidden in a safe deposit box somewhere.

Still...it would be amazing to find something like this.

Thanks for the replies,


Dont give up hope yet if you can find the guy and arange a meeting with him some were that you can inspect it and question him on it. then there might be a chance.

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