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Check Out This Complete Turtle Shell


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Here is a large turtle shell i found while i was on a trip to South Dakota. It is amazing and still has the bit marks/holes of the thing that killed it clearly visible on the top part of the shell. Ive done some prep work on it but its taking forever seeing that i dont have fancy equiment like scribes or mini blasters just tinny picks and ive been vvvvaaarrrryyy careful not to dameage it. Ive spent like more then 20 hours on it and it looks ALOT better then it did before and not a single anoying pin mark or hole. :D

So here is the top of the specimen and you can clearly see two of the holes (their near the right side and if you find the one near the top just go down a few inches and youii find the other).



PS Sry i have to post the bottum pic in a diffrent post. For some reason i cant post both pics in the same post. And sry about the ? after shell typo and idk how to fix it. And i totaly posted this in the discusion section but why is it in here? any ideas?

Edited by frozen_turkey
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For some reason i cant post both pics in the same post. And sry about the ? after shell typo and idk how to fix it. And i totaly posted this in the discusion section but why is it in here? any ideas?

The pics are 1.12 and 1.14 mb in size, which together exceeds the size limit for a single post. If you reduce the size of your pics (to 72 ppi, and around 800 pixels in their longest dimension), you won't have the problem.

As for how the post wound up in this sub-forum, I don't know. Where do you want it to be; we can move it.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Hey Frozen. Im usually the one answering questions, but this time I have a question. I can see some kind of damage on that turtle shell, but how do you know its bite marks and tooth holes? If something killed this thing, wouldnt the shell be destroyed? I know a thing or two about some west coast gastros and some crabs, but I dont know too much about this? I need an explination as to how this is so I can understand it. And thanks


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Hey Frozen. Im usually the one answering questions, but this time I have a question. I can see some kind of damage on that turtle shell, but how do you know its bite marks and tooth holes? If something killed this thing, wouldnt the shell be destroyed? I know a thing or two about some west coast gastros and some crabs, but I dont know too much about this? I need an explination as to how this is so I can understand it. And thanks


I can tell they are bite marks because there is other marks conecting the 2 big ones like a regular bite mark would and when i found it i brought it to a pro and asked about it and he said they were bite marks. But he didnt tell me why it wasn't destroyed (i didn't ask) but im guessing it got away or the critter that attacked it got board or gave up trying and the turtle died later of its injuries.

here is a pic were i highlighted the bite marks. The ones with the line going to the question mark by them are possible bite marks the guy said. and the ones conected (or intersected) by the line are from the same bite. The guy said it might be from a croc or aligater.


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I'm thinking it's Oligocene.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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I'm thinking it's Oligocene.

Wow how did you guess. Thats exactly the period this speices of turtle came from.


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