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consolidant ratio question


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Which is the proper method of calculating the ratio of consolidant solution?  Should you use a volume ratio or mass?  My question comes from trying to label my solutions.  Both my paraloid and my butvar were mixed in acetone to the same level of "tacky-ness" with 2 tablespoons of media per 1 cup of acetone.  If I treat them as volume measurements I get a consolidant percentage of 12% for both.  If I use grams of consolidant to grams of acetone I get 3.6% for butvar and 8% for the paraloid.

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I have heard from @Ptychodus04 that it is best to use 1 part Paraloid to 50 parts acetone by weight which has worked well for me.

Not sure about Butvar as I have never used it before.

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I use the paraloid at a 1 to 50 ratio by weight for most Things but I will bump it up some if it’s really fragile.

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58 minutes ago, Randyw said:

I use the paraloid at a 1 to 50 ratio by weight for most Things but I will bump it up some if it’s really fragile.

So youre using 2 grams of paraloid for each 100 ml of acetone, correct?


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I like weight over volume. Paraloid comes in pellets and Butvar comes as granules. This changes the measured volume slightly. If you weigh your components, you get the same ratio regardless of which plastic you use.

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4 hours ago, Ptychodus04 said:

I like weight over volume. Paraloid comes in pellets and Butvar comes as granules. This changes the measured volume slightly. If you weigh your components, you get the same ratio regardless of which plastic you use.

This is what I realized.  When I did the weight/mass calculations, one is twice the concentration as the other.  I dont think it was so much from % of volume, but the density of the material.  The 1lb bag of paraloid is smaller than the 1lb bag of butvar.   Thats why I decided to do a weight check and compare calculation methods and saw a much bigger discrepancy than I expected.

Professional fossil preparation services at Red Dirt Fossils, LLC.  https://reddirtfossils.com/

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