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Texas Pleistocene Exposures?


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I've been finding Pleistocene fossils along the gravel bars in the southernmost section of the Brazos River lately, but they've almost always been unidentifiable chunks or fragments of bone. Obviously I'd like to find something well-preserved enough for me to be able to do the research and find out what it actually is, but I don't know where to look. The Beaumont and Lissie Formations that run underneath Houston and the surrounding areas are both Pleistocene-age, but the actual river basin itself is just made up of alluvial deposits. Of course, this must mean that the fossils are being washed down with the current from some location further north, right? The Waco Mammoth site is several hours from my location, but I know that the fossils there were found only a mile or two north of the river itself. Originally I thought that this is where the fossils I'm finding must be coming from too, but I know that Holmesina, Bison, and Camelops skeletons used to be found in the bayous within downtown Houston before the city grew to the size its at today. 

As far as I know, there aren't any exposures of sediments like this that are also the age I'm looking for anywhere close to where I live. I'd really appreciate it if anyone with experience hunting southern or central Texas could point me in the right direction. I'm not asking for any specific sites since I know people won't want to give those up, just general areas where Pleistocene outcrops or exposures would be present. Thanks for the help! 

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google earth and look for dredge spoils and borrow pits in your area.

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