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One Purdy Handful O-Tips


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I forgot to take the pie crust out of the freezer this morning, so im waiting for it to thaw. I also had to go into town today and do the last minute shopping stuff and decided to go over to my new buddys house and use his equipment to sharpen my ME9100 tips. I hadnt sharpend a tip for about 4 years and every one of them was too dull to do any real prepping. It depends on just how much prepping I do and what kind of rock im prepping, but these should last me at least 2 years? I hope? Ive got lots of hard concretion rock to go through! Ive got to get back to me pie crust, but for me, this is one beautiful handful of tips that are ready to RIP!!!!!!



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Just one question:

What do you need a freezer for? :P

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Just one question:

What do you need a freezer for? :P

Good one. Got a hardy laugh out of that. But it has been over 32 degrees here for the last 3 afternoons? If it reaches 40 I may take off the teeshirt and get a sunshine off the snow tan. Ha!!!


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