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Megalodon: Hunting The Hunter

Daryl McEwen

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I was wondering if I could get some reader reviews of Mark Renz's book, "Megalodon Hunting The Hunter". I would like to own it but the out of print price is sort of deterring me.


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Personally, I like the book. It's main focus is on megalodon and it's direct ancestors, so not the greatest for IDing various species, but it's well written and has some pics of some real nice specimens. I don't know how much you're looking to spend, but it's on Steve Alter's website (megalodonteeth.com) for $25. For that price, it's worth it.

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It is a great book, and it is not out of print. I think people on Ebay say it is out of print to try to get a higher price. My girlfriend just bought me a new copy for my birthday in November. It is a great read. There are a ton of great pictures too. It shows the evolution of Megalodon well, Megalodon Dentition, some collecting locations and touches on a lot of interesting related topics. I like it so much I have 2 copies.

Here's a link to the author's website if you want to order it:


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Thanks for the helpful info. $25 is the best price I've heard of with this book the cheapest I've found being $30 at the Aurora fossil museum gift shop.

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If you go to Brownville park just north of Arcadia on a weekend there's a good chance you could meet Mark and get a signed copy directly from him for $20.

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It was Mark Renz who introduced me to the Peace River above Wauchula in 2004. I have a number of his books including this one. Well worth the $20--$25.

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I was wondering if I could get some reader reviews of Mark Renz's book, "Megalodon Hunting The Hunter". I would like to own it but the out of print price is sort of deterring me.


You should definitely buy it for the photos alone and it has some good info. The chapter about ranking prehistoric monsters is a little goofy but Mark Renz likes to do his own thing. He has fun with his books.

I should mention that the great white tooth said to come from the Sharktooth Hill Bonebed on page 105 and 106 did not come from there. Steve Alter was given incorrect info on that. The tooth probably did come from a California site but the true site data were lost. A friend saw that tooth on display at a CA mineral show back in the early 80's (long before Steve had it) and it had the wrong data then as well. He was unable to find the owner then.

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It is worth it. Great pictures and some story telling. I even catch kids looking through it.

His wife does the artwork. I had her autograph my copy which I got from Mark at the Brownville ramp.

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Defiantly a must have for a Meg nut. I got my signed copy for about $25.00 a couple years ago. I open it up at least 2-3 times a month.

( the GW from Bakersfield is on page 107 in by copy)

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