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Here's A Pickle Of A Question!


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Thanks for the replies everyone---I think this thread just could have saved my fossil hunting career! haha :D I've used the "oh but if I find and sell more fossils, then I can buy you more stuff", and "you relax by shopping and I relax by fossil hunting!" on my girlfriend, but that just wasn't cutting it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

We are not meant to understand one another, my girlfriend likes shoes and handbags. i find this strange, odd and uncool how she spends hours looking for them and spending hundreds of pounds a year on this hobby of hers. similar to my fossil habits i suppose

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A lot of this is about control. People like to think you should behave in ways that are acceptable to them and when you deviate from their comfortable picture they try to change you "for your own good". Someone will always try to make you into their image. If it is that important to them--then you aren't. Be your self. It can get lonely at times, but at least you know the company you do keep wants to keep company with you. ;)

Be true to the reality you create.

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A lot of this is about control. People like to think you should behave in ways that are acceptable to them and when you deviate from their comfortable picture they try to change you "for your own good". Someone will always try to make you into their image. If it is that important to them--then you aren't. Be your self. It can get lonely at times, but at least you know the company you do keep wants to keep company with you. ;)

Best advice about the subject I have heard in a long time Frank :) Yes, hopefully there is someone out there that will love you enough to accept who you are now, but also love you enough to help you make yourself a better person. ;) A person can still point out flaws, but do it lovingly ;)

I don't think fossil hunting/collecting counts a flaw ;) Spending all your money on fossils and not on your morgage, perhaps :rolleyes::P:D

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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Everyone deep down loves fossils.... they are in denial if they say different...... :)

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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With a 14 and 18 year old daughter, I get called a nerd regularly by them. Nobody else seems to though, could be because I am 6' 5" and 300 pounds.

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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As I writer, I love to watch peoples expressions when I tell them I collect dead things... ;)

Be true to the reality you create.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also agree with Frank--it's a control thing. When I get derided for collecting fossils (or anything else), I (sarcastically) just reply that I'm not smart enough to have learned everything I want to know yet. That usually shuts most people up...since they obviously lack skills to maintain a conversation on said subject. Collecting fossils is not really just collecting--it entails a bit of study to make the quest worthwhile.

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A lot of this is about control. People like to think you should behave in ways that are acceptable to them and when you deviate from their comfortable picture they try to change you "for your own good". Someone will always try to make you into their image. If it is that important to them--then you aren't. Be your self. It can get lonely at times, but at least you know the company you do keep wants to keep company with you. ;)


Very well put Frank. :D

Collecting fossils is not really just collecting--it entails a bit of study to make the quest worthwhile.

Absolutely! :D I find the learning that goes with it every bit as enjoyable as the hunt itself. Even planning future trips gives me a real kick, in much the same way many "normal people" [mythical species?] look forward to next year's summer holiday abroad.

And if there's one thing you can say about fossil hunters, it's that there are quite a few "characters" out there, and those chance encounters with other random enthusiasts on the beaches can be very enjoyable. And then there's the general camaraderie you can find on fossil forums.

And so, to get to the point and finally answer the question, my answer would be something like: "I'm just a misguided and frustrated historian, as I find the life and times of dead reptiles and molluscs far more interesting than those of dead people"

"We try not to use the word insane, we prefer the term mentally hilarious... "

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