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Matthew Grimes

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Could be quartz, salt, gypsum, or calcite. 


Can you scratch it with your fingernail? If not, most likely quartz. If scratched with fingernail, then it's either salt, gypsum, or calcite.


Does it start dissolving in water and when you lick it, it tastes salty? Then it's a salt.


If it does not dissolve in water and it does fuzz when you put a drop of vinegar on it, it's calcite.


Not dissolving in water and does not react to vinegar, it's gypsum.

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Soaked for three days in vinegar,  can't scratch it, it actually ground down my wire wheel in the garage, not salty, and I put blacklight to it and spots glow a darker blue

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On 9/30/2020 at 2:53 PM, Matthew Grimes said:

Soaked for three days in vinegar,  can't scratch it, it actually ground down my wire wheel in the garage, not salty, and I put blacklight to it and spots glow a darker blue

Yeah, most likely quartz.

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Probably quartz then. I agree.





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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