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Show us your rarest sharks tooth


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Hi guys, we’ve seen people’s 6 gill and 7 gill teeth, we’ve seen peoples extraordinary common teeth and I thought why not post your single rarest sharks tooth


this is mine, incredibly rare from a very small site that has been closed for decades, I haven’t seen another, if you have please tell






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That's a fantastic tooth Will. I remember someone found one in the Gault Clay Formation at Folkestone a few years ago.

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Great tooth Will.


My favourite and rarest shark tooth has to be this one. The species itself is pretty Common, but the location is not.


Squalicorax pristodontus

Late Cretaceous

Congo River



This tooth used to be part of a very old collection. I've unfortunately lost the original label:(.




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1 hour ago, Kosmoceras said:

That's a fantastic tooth Will. I remember someone found one in the Gault Clay Formation at Folkestone a few years ago.

Thanks:), i heard that was another place in the Uk to find them, ill have to visit folkestone someday, surprisingly i havent done so yet


1 hour ago, gigantoraptor said:

Great tooth Will.


My favourite and rarest shark tooth has to be this one. The species itself is pretty Common, but the location is not.


Squalicorax pristodontus

Late Cretaceous

Congo River



This tooth used to be part of a very old collection. I've unfortunately lost the original label:(.




Very Nice, i love teeth from rare locations, ive never seen one from the DRC before:)

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1 minute ago, will stevenson said:

Very Nice, i love teeth from rare locations, ive never seen one from the DRC before:)

The DRC is a rare location, most African fossils come from Morocco, imagine all the hidden fossil locations in Africa.


2 hours ago, will stevenson said:

Hi guys, we’ve seen people’s 6 gill and 7 gill teeth, we’ve seen peoples extraordinary common teeth and I thought why not post your single rarest sharks tooth


this is mine, incredibly rare from a very small site that has been closed for decades, I haven’t seen another, if you have please tell





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  • 3 months later...

I'll bite but I don't get into enough locations with good shark teeth often enough to collect many "rare" teeth. I guess my rarest would be this Eostriatolamia holmdelensis I collected from Western Georgia in the Blufftown Formation (Cretaceous, Campanian). Maybe it's more of an "uncommon" tooth overall but they're also rare from the location. 1.1 cm greatest length.








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Haven't seen too many of these, and not many teeth from Galveston, so I guess it's rare. One of my favorite sharks, too.


Great Hammerhead

Sphyrna mokarran

Galveston, TX


Lower right lateral





It's got some wear, these are complete teeth from a modern specimen:



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Forever a student of Nature

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Nice thread Will and it has given me the urge to watch one of my favourite films Jaws again . @ThePhysicist Great tooth , I agree Hammerheads are super cool. 
I can’t say if the next two teeth up are rare as I don’t know. My juvie Megalodon is from Lee Creek and now a lost location. So that add a rarity to it. Both teeth was Won in this year’s Grand Christmas auction and off Frank . I also used one of Frank’s photos to show possible predation I hope that is ok @Troodon





The next and very beautiful tooth is a  C. auriculatus from Harleyville, Santee Limestone,  South Carolina  Eocene 2" Diagonal. 




sorry Will if they are not rare but they are sublime and gives your thread a bump.  

stay safe all Bobby 

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I like this Cretaceous aged Leptostyrax macrorhiza tooth from Texas. I’d love have a couple more, but they are tough to find.




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I'll throw one more in. It's one of very few that I've seen, even rarer in the Western hemisphere. 


Cardabiodontid shark

Dwardius woodwardi

Late Cretaceous

Post Oak Creek, Sherman, TX

Lower (?) anterior

33 mm





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I have teeth...and I have shark's teeth. But I couldn't say which are rare or not:



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-Romans 14:19

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34 minutes ago, Jesuslover340 said:

I have teeth...and I have shark's teeth. But I couldn't say which are rare or not:



uhh... ya there's some rare stuff in there. Never seen Helicoprion in a collection. Some really unusual locations, too! Antarctica?? 

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Maybe not the rarest but one of my favorites. Paraorthacodus clarkii, Paleocene of Maryland


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17 minutes ago, fossilselachian said:

Maybe not the rarest but one of my favorites. Paraorthacodus clarkii, Paleocene of Maryland


that is a nice paraorthacodus! not too often you see all the cusps intact

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I’ve got a lot of teeth, but not a lot of rare ones, I’d say my rarest tooth is this (para?)symphyseal Great White shark tooth. I’ve never seen one of these before. I didn’t buy it as symphyseal, but it doesn’t look like a normal tooth to me. :) 
Sorry for the horrible pics, it’s very hard to get pics of this one because of the size.



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24 minutes ago, Familyroadtrip said:

I’ve got a lot of teeth, but not a lot of rare ones, I’d say my rarest tooth is this (para?)symphyseal Great White shark tooth. I’ve never seen one of these before. I didn’t buy it as symphyseal, but it doesn’t look like a normal tooth to me. :) 
Sorry for the horrible pics, it’s very hard to get pics of this one because of the size.

Great tooth! My favorite shark. GW doesn't have any symphyseal teeth, it looks like a posterior. How big is it?

Forever a student of Nature

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Still rare, I’d guess. Not sure though cause I’ve never seen a Great White similar. Measurements are 0.65” long, by 0.50” wide. 

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OK first is a rare tooth from an unusual location - Carcharodon hubbelli from the Purisima Formation of northern California - I dug it up the same afternoon that I broke my tailbone in a quarry in the Santa Cruz mountains and needed to walk it off out on the coast. Published in 2011.


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Not the rarest tooth in our collection but I had the goblin teeth out and I think this is considered rare. 


Mitsukurina lineata


Bonpas France


I can not remember the actual formation it came from just a well known location for rare deep sea shark teeth. 


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Since I’ve seen exactly 1 from this locality before, here’s one of my rarest:


Dalatias licha (Kitefin Shark)

Late Pliocene- Early Pleistocene 

North Central Java, Indonesia 



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On 10/9/2020 at 12:49 PM, will stevenson said:

Hi guys, we’ve seen people’s 6 gill and 7 gill teeth, we’ve seen peoples extraordinary common teeth and I thought why not post your single rarest sharks tooth


this is mine, incredibly rare from a very small site that has been closed for decades, I haven’t seen another, if you have please tell






Fantastic rare species from a rare location Will. Excellent example.

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55 minutes ago, Untitled said:

Since I’ve seen exactly 1 from this locality before, here’s one of my rarest:


Dalatias licha (Kitefin Shark)

Late Pliocene- Early Pleistocene 

North Central Java, Indonesia 



Great tooth and I would agree super rare if you have the only one !

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Upper and lower Heptranchias from the Oligocene of Poland. I think it is a rare enough genus to warrant inclusion here.



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