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Pleistocene mammals from Po Valley

Lorentzo Wisniowskhe

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Bonjour all fellow collectors,

my aut gave this bone to me years ago. They are pleistocene / early holocene specimens collected in Po valley in the '70. Do you have any ideas about what they might be? 

Thanks to all of you.






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The first fossil is a scapula, but I don’t know what it is. It’s at least twice the size of a rabbit.

The teeth could be wild pig Sus scrofa, but I can’t see them well.


Pareidolia : here

Ma bibliothèque PDF 1 (Poissons et sélaciens récents & fossiles) : ici
Ma bibliothèque PDF 2 (Animaux vivants - sans poissons ni sélaciens) : ici
Mâchoires sélaciennes récentes : ici
Hétérodontiques et sélaciens : ici
Oeufs sélaciens récents : ici
Otolithes de poissons récents ! ici

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Thanks for the answer.

I also thought about Sus scrofa but the two tooth aren't allined, something i've seen in pigs in general. Maybe some kind of pathology? Also the occlusal surfaces are almost flat, which is unusual, but maybe possible in an older animal.


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Truly interesting finds. 


The scapula is from a canid of some kind I would say, the italian Pleistocene-Holocene had both wolves and archaic domestic dogs, as well as red fox and a medium sized species probably related to the golden jackal if I remember well.


Image from Russellboneatlas

Scapula – Russell Bone Atlas

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