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Any Good Sites In Tri-state Area?

John Papastathis

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Hi folks,

I live in Rockland Co, NY and was wondering if anyone knows of any good collecting sites in my area. I've look on the web but info is limited.



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I live in New York too. and yes there are some good sites.

I need to look at my map over the weekend in order to recommend something to you.

Be careful when you are using that site list that others recommended. only about 5% of sites still exist or have precise enough description so you can find them. I've checked out many of those on the list. let me know which ones you are thinking about though - i might have checked those already and that might save you time.

What kind of fossils are you interested in?


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Thanks Mike,

I was considering checking out the sites listed in this rockhound club's link below. I live in Nyack in Rockland Co so I was going to check out Nyack Beach State Park for dino prints since it was listed as containing such in a NYT's article. Also, some of the sites listed in the website you mentioned like the the railroad tracks in Northvale NJ since thats only about 15 minutes away. Any suggestion would be great. Been collecting using the "silver pick" for awhile but lookink forward to my 1st actual digs when the weather warms up a bit.




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I tried following that link but it does't get you there. You can just google Tri-State Rock & Mineral Club. I am specifically interested in "Trilobite Mountain" in Port Jervis Orange Co.


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Thanks Mike,
I was considering checking out the sites listed in this rockhound club's link below. I live in Nyack in Rockland Co so I was going to check out Nyack Beach State Park for dino prints since it was listed as containing such in a NYT's article. Also, some of the sites listed in the website you mentioned like the the railroad tracks in Northvale NJ since thats only about 15 minutes away. Any suggestion would be great. Been collecting using the "silver pick" for awhile but lookink forward to my 1st actual digs when the weather warms up a bit.

Hey John,

You can check the Nyac Beach Park for footprints, but if my memory doesn't fail me, it's the place where footprints were found only recently by P. Olsen and I understand they are not abundant there. I've never looked there (and footprints is what I mainly collect) but my guess is it's unlikely that you will find footprints there. I wish you luck though, let me know how you do. Keep in mind that legally you are not allowed to remove dino footprints from public land.
I dont think Ive ever gone to the railtoad tracks in Northvale. What do you find there?
As to the trilobite mountain - i've been there and it's not a big deal. Most of the mountain is private property with no access. there is a portion of it you can still access and what you find is brachiopods. It's possible to find trilobites, trilo pieces rather but you need to figure out exactly the type of rock that has them. so if you want you should go but dont expect that place to live up to its name. I can give you direction how to get there if you want.
Ok, Ive looked at my map and it looks like there is a good site very close to you, in Highland Mills. Devoniam brachiopods are abundant there and preserved in a very unusual looking rock. If you need directions write to me off- list. tell_mike@hotmail.com

I will be going to digs almost every other week starting in May, so I am sure if you wanted we could cross paths and collect together.
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Hey Mike,

Thank you for your kind reply. I am really looking forward to my 1st digs so any info is appreciated.

(Eg., "Trilobite Mountain" did sound too good to be true.) I have found very scant info on the web for collecting locally except for some interesting looking possibities on the Tri-State Rock and Mineral Club website. Many of the sites they list are very near where my parents retired to in Milford PA. I visit them every week or two so I am psyched to check out some of those sites, especially after the torrential downpours they've had recently since I understand that can expose new material. The Northvale spot I cited was just a location in the website the Rain1950 provided but everyone says that list is seriously out-dated. Supposedly there are plant, fish and crinoids to be found . Maybe worth checking out; along with Nyack Beach, since it's in my back yard and I like walking the bike path there anyway.

By the way, have you seen my posts in the gallery section under "John's starter collection" ? I've been a rouckhound for awhile but I'm new to fossils and posted the 1st shots with my new Nikon of some stuff I got with "the silver pick"- ie., what I bought at my favorite rock shop. Again, looking forward to my 1st digs to see what I can find and also say to friends - "I found this" instead of just, "I bought this".

Again, thanks for the reply and info. I will email you for directions to the Highland Mills site( I grew up in Warwick just a few miles away). And yes, as a newbie I would love the chance to collect with an experienced fossil hunter and learn what I can. Please let's stay in touch. My email is papastathisjohn@yahoo.com.

Thanks again,


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Hey Mike,

Thank you for your kind reply. I am really looking forward to my 1st digs so any info is appreciated.

(Eg., "Trilobite Mountain" did sound too good to be true.) I have found very scant info on the web for collecting locally except for some interesting looking possibities on the Tri-State Rock and Mineral Club website. Many of the sites they list are very near where my parents retired to in Milford PA. I visit them every week or two so I am psyched to check out some of those sites, especially after the torrential downpours they've had recently since I understand that can expose new material. The Northvale spot I cited was just a location in the website the Rain1950 provided but everyone says that list is seriously out-dated. Supposedly there are plant, fish and crinoids to be found . Maybe worth checking out; along with Nyack Beach, since it's in my back yard and I like walking the bike path there anyway.

By the way, have you seen my posts in the gallery section under "John's starter collection" ? I've been a rouckhound for awhile but I'm new to fossils and posted the 1st shots with my new Nikon of some stuff I got with "the silver pick"- ie., what I bought at my favorite rock shop. Again, looking forward to my 1st digs to see what I can find and also say to friends - "I found this" instead of just, "I bought this".

Again, thanks for the reply and info. I will email you for directions to the Highland Mills site( I grew up in Warwick just a few miles away). And yes, as a newbie I would love the chance to collect with an experienced fossil hunter and learn what I can. Please let's stay in touch. My email is papastathisjohn@yahoo.com.

Thanks again,


Hey John,

I just looked at your starter collection post. Cool stuff you got. I also started out collecting fossils by buying fossils off ebay but when i started collecting myself I stopped buying them. I've never been into minerals though.

About trilobite mountain - someone just posted on another forum about it, saying that he found the "real" location of the place and that collecting is allowed there. So maybe there is still some hope for trilobite mountain. Maybe one of these days you and I can go check it out.

Stay in touch


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Hey John,

I just looked at your starter collection post. Cool stuff you got. I also started out collecting fossils by buying fossils off ebay but when i started collecting myself I stopped buying them. I've never been into minerals though.

About trilobite mountain - someone just posted on another forum about it, saying that he found the "real" location of the place and that collecting is allowed there. So maybe there is still some hope for trilobite mountain. Maybe one of these days you and I can go check it out.

Stay in touch


Thanks Mike,

I will keep you posted on my 1st collecting trips in PA in a few weeks. Any time you don't mind a newbie tagging along I would like to join in on a trip. I work weekends, so if you let me know in advance I can get my shift covered.

Will stay in touch,


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  • 14 years later...
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I heard northvale, NJ has some fossils along RR tracks throughout town.  Can someone confirm if that is true or not? Thank you!

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16 hours ago, stef747 said:

I heard northvale, NJ has some fossils along RR tracks throughout town.  Can someone confirm if that is true or not? Thank you!

This thread is 14 years old. You should create a new topic in the questions topic.





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi mark. Cannot believe this thread is 14 years old! I had actually gone to northvale Jersey site and I think I found some dolomite rock there which if you want to correct if I am wrong is a sedimentary rock that is very close to limestone.  I have read that apparently fossils are rare in dolomite rock.  Also, I looked on fossil spot that some fossils are found in northvale but it says throughout town on railroad tracks which I am guessing are the old ones.  However, that is a large area to cover versus a small area such as Rickard hills where fossils are certainly more bountiful.  By the way I love rickard hills! 

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